My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Good morning everyone! I hope that your morning is off to a great start. I am on my second cup of coffee and feeling pretty good. I want to start off by saying that I absolutely love my new haircut. It is easy to deal with and my hair looks so much healthier without all the dead ends. 

Wesley and I went to Victoria yesterday to Surplus Warehouse. We got us some carpet for our bedroom. It’s really pretty. And he helped me put the new sheets and comforter on the bed. Our bedroom is almost complete. I have the curtains but am waiting on the curtain rods. They should be in tomorrow. I have a few things that I need to find places for stacked up and laundry to do but it is sure looking nice.

I can hardly wait for the weather to warm up a little. I have projects that require painting and this weather right now isn’t conducive for painting. I still have my table to finish and a coffee table and two end tables. I also have the windows in my sewing room and kitchen to sew curtains for. Wesley and I are going to Joann’s today. He has never been and would like to see why I love it so much. He doesn’t know what he is getting himself into yet!

I ordered a doorbell because if I’m in our bedroom, I can’t hear someone knocking on the front door. Heck, I can’t hear them if I’m in the kitchen either. I sent my daughter a picture of the doorbell and explained to her how much distance is between these areas and told her that it wasn’t because I was hard of hearing. I don’t think that she believes that. I don’t know why she would think that about her own mother! Lol

I hope that you have an awesome day. It looks like the sun is going to come out. Get outside and soak it up. It will make you feel better. Hugs!!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Oops, it's been a while!

Good Morning! I hope that y’all are staying warm. I’m wondering if this is going to be our last time to freeze this winter. It feels weird because there have been several days that we have had the a/c on. But that is Texas weather for you. I looked back to see when the last time I blogged and realized that it has been almost a month. Where did the time go? I think that I will hit the highlights and maybe go into more detail in future blogs. I have so much to tell you and to show you. If I posted all my pictures, this would be never ending.

First, Wesley was really sick with a stomach bug. I don’t think that I have ever seen him that sick. I think that after today, he will feel strong enough to go back to work. I was really worried about him, but he finally got out of bed yesterday. He literally stayed in bed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If you know him, you know that this is very unusual. He usually can’t stay in spot for very long.

I started some plants from seeds and I also found out that Dilly and Lucy like to play with seedlings. We moved all the plants into the guest room and shut the door. I am planning on replanting them into bigger pots. I did have a lot of daisy’s but those seemed to be tastier to the cat and dog.

I got a new “do”. So far, I love it. I don’t have all the frizzy’s and don’t look like Madusa when I wake up. You tell me what you think. But if you don’t like it, please lie to me! Lol The house is coming along nicely. But not as quickly as I would like. There are days that I just sit and look at it. I go several days like this and then I will get a burst of energy that helps me get some things done.

I had my 52 birthday on the 23 of February and it was so awesome. Tiffany and the babies came down for the day. She helped me hang the pictures in the guest room. There are a lot of them! I baked a turkey for lunch. I am so blessed that my friends all showed up. Bernice, Karen, Donna, and Robert. Robert and Wesley went somewhere the rest of us played chicken foot. We talked and laughed most of the day.

The babies stayed with me until Wednesday. They are such a delight. They went and played with our tote of toys and were always bringing a smile to my face. Eva informed me that the next time she came down to visit, we could go to the store and pick up some pop tarts, bananas, and “kids cereal”! I told her “of course we can!”

I’m going to stop writing for now. I am feeling a little energetic and I don’t want to waste it! Give someone you smile today, they might just need it. Hugs to all!

Monday, February 11, 2019

A work in progress

Good morning! I should be hanging my head in shame for not writing. I’ve been so busy with trying to not live out of boxes. But we are getting there. It’s frustrating to work so hard to get one room cleaned out and turn around and see that the room looks messier than when you started! But I know we are making progress because I have a laundry room full of empty boxes.

I’m going to share some pictures with you. The curtain is what I am putting in our living room. The picture is something that my bestie gave me for my kitchen. Lucy, well, she is just Lucy. The big card is a Mother’s Day card that my kids gave me around 13 years ago! But I’m not a hoarder! Lol

I am going to cut this short because I want to go do some more sewing. I hope that y’all have a wonderful day. Hugs to each of you!

Monday, February 4, 2019

Beyond Blessed!!!!!

Good morning everyone! We got moved this weekend. I was so exhausting, and we didn’t even do any of the hard stuff. We were blessed beyond words. Friends are so wonderful. I tear up every time I think about it. We couldn’t have done this without everyone’s help.

On Thursday day after work, Wesley’s coworker, Caesar, came over and loaded all our boxes. He had everything in the U-Haul within an hour. We went to eat after that and as we pulled back into the house, our neighbors asked us if we needed help unloading the boxes. We went to the house and Tyler and Mikka helped us unload. Prissy came with us and she mopped and cleaned where there was a film left from when they bombed the house. It didn’t take her anytime to mop. Actually, we watched as they unloaded.

We found out Thursday night that two of our helpers weren’t going to come. One of them were sick. When the other two, Wes and Chris, showed up, they loaded that U-Haul in no time flat. And we had some really heavy stuff. When they got to the new house, I could tell that they were tired, but they didn’t stop. There were some men working on a gas line that came to help get the piano in the house. It took 5 strong men to manhandle it and get it up the steps to the porch and then into the house.

Bernice and Karen helped me get my kitchen and bathroom operational. I couldn’t keep up with them. Not only was their help priceless, their moral support was invaluable. Thank you, ladies, for always being there for me.

After everyone left, Wesley and I sat down and were just amazed at what everyone had done to help us. All that we had left was the odds and ends at the trailer. Mikka, Victoria, and her husband came to help us get the last of the stuff in the U-Haul. Well, it ended up being a whole load. Then they came to unload it for us.

Randy and Kathy came Saturday with our refrigerator and some other things that were at his house that belonged to us. They also helped unload our clothes out of Wesley’s truck. Oh, my goodness, I miss seeing my brother. We talked about taking a vacation together next year. It sounds like so much fun. I need to look into getting Wesley and my passports. I’m not going to tell you were until we get a little more information on the cost. But I hope that we can do it!

The last thing that was left to do on Sunday was the cleaning of the trailer. I sat here at the house waiting on the cable company. They were supposed to be here between 9 and 10 in the morning but didn’t get here until 5 pm. But that is another story for another day. Wesley went over to the house and Mikka and her niece and nephew cleaned that trailer.

I want to thank every one of the people that I mentioned above. Thank you just doesn’t seem good enough to express how Wesley and I feel. My heart is so full of love for each of you. We could not have done this without everyone’s help. And I am sorry that I didn’t get any pictures other than when Prissy came to help. Today, I’m feeling a little overwhelmed by myself, but I’ll get motivated here shortly.

I hope that you have an awesome day! Hugs!!!!!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

It's here!

Good morning y’all! I guess that I am excited because I woke up at 4 this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. Moving day is upon us and I have a lot to do. I need to go pay the rent and pick up the uhaul this evening. Wesley is wanting to go ahead and put the boxes in the truck. We shall see, there are a lot of boxes. In my head, I would love to take the boxes to the house, but I know me, I would stay up all night unpacking boxes! So, it’s probably a smart thing not to take them over.

Sorry about yesterday, I was a little on the “poor me” kick but not today. I’m glad that we got everything ready. It should make it easier to move. I think that I have everything done. Cable is set up to be turned on Sunday so that my hubby doesn’t miss the Superbowl.

It’s kind of cute that he asked me “On Sunday, I want you to promise me that during the Superbowl, you’ll sit and watch it with me and not be unpacking.” I’m hoping that I can do that. I have a hard time just sitting when there are boxes sitting around with stuff telling me “I want out of here.” Lol

We have quite a few people that are supposed to come help us. Lil Wesley, Harvey, Wes, Chris and Prissy are the heavy movers to get stuff over to the house. Bernice and Karen are going to help me unpack the boxes (so that they won’t talk to me), mostly my kitchen. Blake is coming tomorrow evening. Then on Saturday, Randy and Kathy are coming with our refrigerator. We will be doing the last-minute walk thru to make sure that we got it all. And trying to get the house in order. I think that by Sunday, I should be able to sit and watch the Superbowl. 

Oh, and I can’t forget Rob, since he is recovering from knee surgery, he gets to supervise Lucy and Dilly.

Bernice and I went to look at the house yesterday. It is really cute in an old-fashioned way. Just up my alley. As we walked through the house, I was mentally putting my furniture where I wanted it. The only room I didn’t do that in was my sewing room.

Well, I’m finished writing for today. I’ll write Monday and let you know how things go. I will try to take pictures for you. I hope that you have a more relaxing weekend than I’m going to have. Hugs!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Closer and closer

Good morning everyone. I want you to know that moving this time is the hardest that I have ever experienced. Wesley is working all the time and he is hurting when he gets home. I have been doing one room a day. I know that I am not a young whipper snapper anymore. I have two more days. The only room left is our bedroom. We have a lot of it already packed but I need to finish. I want to do that today so that Thursday all I need to do is the odds and ends that I find.

Moving is so stressful. I’m trying to be patient and not letting myself get overwhelmed. Some days I feel like I am doing this all alone. I didn’t know I had the energy or strength to do everything that I have done. I get angry as I’m doing it because I don’t get any help. I know that he hurts and is so tired every day. But knowing that doesn’t help my feelings.

My mind never stops. I am always thinking of things that I want to do over there. For example, I have already figured out how I want my flower bed in the front. Now the one thing that I haven’t figured out is my sewing room. Surprised? I am. I figured that I would be so excited and know exactly what I want but I don’t. I’m hoping that once I get everything over there, I’ll have a wonderful inspiration. But I am open to suggestions if y’all want to help me out.

We are so blessed, we are going to have five people helping us on Friday and three or four on Saturday. We couldn’t do it all alone. I don’t know how I can tell them what it means to us. I am going to keep looking at my blessings today, that will help me not be negative. I want to stay positive and motivated today. I hope that you have a blessed day! Hugs!!!!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Fun day! 🤪


Good morning y’all! I hope that this week brings excitement and hope. I am so exhausted. Wesley worked me to death this weekend. I feel like we accomplished a lot. The extra bedrooms and bathroom are finished. The dining room is full of boxes. The rooms that are left to do has already been stripped down to necessities. I am going to start our bathroom today and paint the top of my table.

I have an appointment with the kidney doctor this morning. It’s a routine visit to let me know about my lab work. I do this once a year. I don’t know how much it is going to cost but I know that it won’t be cheap. I hate the beginning of the year for this reason. The cost of three of my prescriptions are going to cost me $450 plus we pay $200 for the insurance. These three prescriptions have coupons but because I have Obamacare, I can not use them. There isn’t a generic for them otherwise I would get them cheaper.

Two of these are for my diabetes. Before my doctor changed me to these, I was taking 5 shots a day with at least 60 units each. That is a lot of insulin. Now I take one shot of Trulicity a week and one shot of Tresiba daily. It’s ridiculous! Anywho! I’ll stop complaining because it won’t do any good. I just need to suck it up and save up my money.

Man, I don’t feel like doing anything today! But I know that I don’t have that option. I must do at least one thing each day to be ready. I just want to be moved already! Patience isn’t one of my strong traits. But that is ok. I’m going to cook a pot of chili beans today with some cornbread. That will put a smile on anyone’s face.

Can I challenge you today? Give your smile to everyone you see. They might be going through a tough time and need it, be kind and gentle with your words, and do something nice for yourself. 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Next Weekend!

Good morning everyone. I haven’t written anything in a couple of days because we have been busy. I am very happy with our progress. We will be moving Friday and Saturday. We have some help coming on Friday and some fresh help on Saturday. I’m so excited that I am having a hard time sleeping.

Let me see if I can recall what we have done in the last three days. On Friday, Wesley came home early and brought his coworker. They loaded up all the big stuff off the porch and took it to storage. After he took his coworker home, we went to talk to Mr. Scott (new landlord). There is no gas to the house, but he called the gas company and made request for the gas. It might take a couple of weeks, but it will get done. I’m super exited about it because I love cooking on a gas stove.

When we got up yesterday, we loaded all the Christmas stuff in my car and in Wesley’s truck. Took both out to storage. We grabbed some trash out of the storage. When we got back home, we loaded Wesley’s truck with “junk” like 8 boxes of VHS tapes. Who has that many? US!

Now there is a story behind the tv in the picture. I guess it was 10 to 11 years ago. I got my income tax. Danny and I went to Walmart. We saw a tv for sell that was $600. It was one of those “new” 32” flat screens. I decided against it. We went home. Danny kept telling me that I should get it because I had never bought new stuff and I “deserved” it. Well, we went back and bought it. Later I found out that he only wanted it because he wanted to play his game system on it! The other funny thing about that tv is that once we got it home, Danny and Wesley were trying to put the base on, and they tried for over a half hour. I finally picked up the directions and all that they need to do was put one screw in! MEN!

Yesterday evening, Rob and Karen invited us for dinner which was really nice. Thank you both! We really enjoyed ourselves. I will have to concede that the guy whooped up on us in dominoes. They are always such gracious host. They gave me the wheel off a loom. I am going to put it in my sewing room. I will take a picture of it later, but it is cool.

I hope that you have a very blessed day. We are going to relax some today. At least that is our plans but I know both of us, we will ‘piddle’ and be exhausted by this evening.

A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...