My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Fun day! 🤪


Good morning y’all! I hope that this week brings excitement and hope. I am so exhausted. Wesley worked me to death this weekend. I feel like we accomplished a lot. The extra bedrooms and bathroom are finished. The dining room is full of boxes. The rooms that are left to do has already been stripped down to necessities. I am going to start our bathroom today and paint the top of my table.

I have an appointment with the kidney doctor this morning. It’s a routine visit to let me know about my lab work. I do this once a year. I don’t know how much it is going to cost but I know that it won’t be cheap. I hate the beginning of the year for this reason. The cost of three of my prescriptions are going to cost me $450 plus we pay $200 for the insurance. These three prescriptions have coupons but because I have Obamacare, I can not use them. There isn’t a generic for them otherwise I would get them cheaper.

Two of these are for my diabetes. Before my doctor changed me to these, I was taking 5 shots a day with at least 60 units each. That is a lot of insulin. Now I take one shot of Trulicity a week and one shot of Tresiba daily. It’s ridiculous! Anywho! I’ll stop complaining because it won’t do any good. I just need to suck it up and save up my money.

Man, I don’t feel like doing anything today! But I know that I don’t have that option. I must do at least one thing each day to be ready. I just want to be moved already! Patience isn’t one of my strong traits. But that is ok. I’m going to cook a pot of chili beans today with some cornbread. That will put a smile on anyone’s face.

Can I challenge you today? Give your smile to everyone you see. They might be going through a tough time and need it, be kind and gentle with your words, and do something nice for yourself. 


  1. 😃😃😃😃hang in there it’s almost over my friend

    1. I know that in my heart but my head says that it is just the beginning! 🤣


A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...