My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Next Weekend!

Good morning everyone. I haven’t written anything in a couple of days because we have been busy. I am very happy with our progress. We will be moving Friday and Saturday. We have some help coming on Friday and some fresh help on Saturday. I’m so excited that I am having a hard time sleeping.

Let me see if I can recall what we have done in the last three days. On Friday, Wesley came home early and brought his coworker. They loaded up all the big stuff off the porch and took it to storage. After he took his coworker home, we went to talk to Mr. Scott (new landlord). There is no gas to the house, but he called the gas company and made request for the gas. It might take a couple of weeks, but it will get done. I’m super exited about it because I love cooking on a gas stove.

When we got up yesterday, we loaded all the Christmas stuff in my car and in Wesley’s truck. Took both out to storage. We grabbed some trash out of the storage. When we got back home, we loaded Wesley’s truck with “junk” like 8 boxes of VHS tapes. Who has that many? US!

Now there is a story behind the tv in the picture. I guess it was 10 to 11 years ago. I got my income tax. Danny and I went to Walmart. We saw a tv for sell that was $600. It was one of those “new” 32” flat screens. I decided against it. We went home. Danny kept telling me that I should get it because I had never bought new stuff and I “deserved” it. Well, we went back and bought it. Later I found out that he only wanted it because he wanted to play his game system on it! The other funny thing about that tv is that once we got it home, Danny and Wesley were trying to put the base on, and they tried for over a half hour. I finally picked up the directions and all that they need to do was put one screw in! MEN!

Yesterday evening, Rob and Karen invited us for dinner which was really nice. Thank you both! We really enjoyed ourselves. I will have to concede that the guy whooped up on us in dominoes. They are always such gracious host. They gave me the wheel off a loom. I am going to put it in my sewing room. I will take a picture of it later, but it is cool.

I hope that you have a very blessed day. We are going to relax some today. At least that is our plans but I know both of us, we will ‘piddle’ and be exhausted by this evening.

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