My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

It's here!

Good morning y’all! I guess that I am excited because I woke up at 4 this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. Moving day is upon us and I have a lot to do. I need to go pay the rent and pick up the uhaul this evening. Wesley is wanting to go ahead and put the boxes in the truck. We shall see, there are a lot of boxes. In my head, I would love to take the boxes to the house, but I know me, I would stay up all night unpacking boxes! So, it’s probably a smart thing not to take them over.

Sorry about yesterday, I was a little on the “poor me” kick but not today. I’m glad that we got everything ready. It should make it easier to move. I think that I have everything done. Cable is set up to be turned on Sunday so that my hubby doesn’t miss the Superbowl.

It’s kind of cute that he asked me “On Sunday, I want you to promise me that during the Superbowl, you’ll sit and watch it with me and not be unpacking.” I’m hoping that I can do that. I have a hard time just sitting when there are boxes sitting around with stuff telling me “I want out of here.” Lol

We have quite a few people that are supposed to come help us. Lil Wesley, Harvey, Wes, Chris and Prissy are the heavy movers to get stuff over to the house. Bernice and Karen are going to help me unpack the boxes (so that they won’t talk to me), mostly my kitchen. Blake is coming tomorrow evening. Then on Saturday, Randy and Kathy are coming with our refrigerator. We will be doing the last-minute walk thru to make sure that we got it all. And trying to get the house in order. I think that by Sunday, I should be able to sit and watch the Superbowl. 

Oh, and I can’t forget Rob, since he is recovering from knee surgery, he gets to supervise Lucy and Dilly.

Bernice and I went to look at the house yesterday. It is really cute in an old-fashioned way. Just up my alley. As we walked through the house, I was mentally putting my furniture where I wanted it. The only room I didn’t do that in was my sewing room.

Well, I’m finished writing for today. I’ll write Monday and let you know how things go. I will try to take pictures for you. I hope that you have a more relaxing weekend than I’m going to have. Hugs!

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