My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Closer and closer

Good morning everyone. I want you to know that moving this time is the hardest that I have ever experienced. Wesley is working all the time and he is hurting when he gets home. I have been doing one room a day. I know that I am not a young whipper snapper anymore. I have two more days. The only room left is our bedroom. We have a lot of it already packed but I need to finish. I want to do that today so that Thursday all I need to do is the odds and ends that I find.

Moving is so stressful. I’m trying to be patient and not letting myself get overwhelmed. Some days I feel like I am doing this all alone. I didn’t know I had the energy or strength to do everything that I have done. I get angry as I’m doing it because I don’t get any help. I know that he hurts and is so tired every day. But knowing that doesn’t help my feelings.

My mind never stops. I am always thinking of things that I want to do over there. For example, I have already figured out how I want my flower bed in the front. Now the one thing that I haven’t figured out is my sewing room. Surprised? I am. I figured that I would be so excited and know exactly what I want but I don’t. I’m hoping that once I get everything over there, I’ll have a wonderful inspiration. But I am open to suggestions if y’all want to help me out.

We are so blessed, we are going to have five people helping us on Friday and three or four on Saturday. We couldn’t do it all alone. I don’t know how I can tell them what it means to us. I am going to keep looking at my blessings today, that will help me not be negative. I want to stay positive and motivated today. I hope that you have a blessed day! Hugs!!!!

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