My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Good morning y’all! I am enjoying my second cup of coffee. I’m not really feeling it this morning. My body is sore but I’m guessing it is because of the weather change coming. The hubby is at work and the kiddos just left for school. The house is quiet now. I don’t know what I want to write about today.

My grandson, Eli, is turning 9 this weekend. I remember when he was born, and it feels just like yesterday. His dad, my son, and his mom lived with us for most of his first year. I would sit at the table, drinking my coffee, when he would wake up and look up at me from his portable crib. I would pick him up and we would “talk”. He lit up my days with his smile. He still does. He is my first biological grandson. 

Even after they (his mom and dad) moved out into a place of their own, I got to keep him for a week out of every month. When I moved back close enough, I got to babysit him while they worked. So, I had a very close relationship.

Through all my illnesses, he was my reason for getting back to normal. Even with all the medical equipment that I had at various times, he was never scared, and he was always gentle with me when I was week.

I love all my grandchildren with all my heart but of course, he has a special spot in my heart. I am finding that each of my grandchildren all occupy a different area of my heart. Each one is very special in a different way to me. Each one has their own personality and something that makes them each endearing to me.

I am so proud of Eli, he has come a long way in his school work and reading. He is growing up to be such a sweet boy. He has always been so loving. Even though he is getting busy with sports, friends, family, and school, he is always so happy to talk to me or come see me. Of course, it’s not as often as I would like but that is part of letting them grow up.

Thank you Lisa for all of the pictures!

I love you Eli! No matter how old you get, you will always be my “Lil Man”!

I hope that all of you have a wonderful day. I challenge you to count the blessings in your life.


  1. My grandson to that's my little man Alloway will be happy birthday eli from papa

  2. Happy birthday Eli ! God bless you always!

  3. I’m so glad we were able to see you Saturday for his party he told me this morning that he was so happy his Nona and papa could make it to his party ! He said he was ready to come visit for a week! We love y’all

    1. I'm always ready to have him. Thank you, Lisa for always being willing to work with me and letting me be a part of his life.


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