My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Am I lying? Nope!

Good morning! I am feeling like such a heel. I have been so busy with life that I had forgotten to journal. I like to write because it gives me an outlet to everything that is going on in my head. I had an awesome weekend. I picked up Eva and Ezra on Friday. They are such a delight to be around. They are a light in this somewhat dreary world. They are so full of wonder and excitement. We didn’t do much but make brownies and watch movies. And when we took them back, I got to spend some time with my daughter and that is so precious to me because she is always so busy. I don’t know how she does it!

There are so many things to write about and I am not sure how to start. I found out recently that Tiffany was sexually assaulted when she was little more than a toddler (5 or 6). She never told me and when I asked, she said that it wasn’t that she didn’t think that I would believe her. If I could find the kid (not a kid anymore) I would so hurt him. This was like 25 years ago and she doesn’t remember many details. She said that it was more about causing problems.

This has brought up a memory that my mind had pushed so far back in that I had all but forgotten it. I’m going to set the scene for you before I tell my story.  I was a teenager (16 or 17). I had lost my virginity to a boyfriend and back in those days would have been considered wild and rebellious. My parents were very strict and most of my rebellion was when they weren’t around.

We had a family reunion in East Texas. We would stay the weekend with my Mamaw and Papaw. The actual reunion was at a great-aunt’s house. She had land that had a pond for fishing and a covered swimming pool with a hot tub and sauna. There were a lot of my mom’s side of the family that attended. I don’t remember the year much less the month or day. Most of the younger people were in the pool. We had such a good time.

*Edited – I believed that rape was only when someone forcibly held you down and forcible entered you. 

I don’t remember where everyone was, but I know that I was still in the pool and one of my cousin’s husband was still in the pool. He was a youth minister and I remember that because they were talking about that at some point. After everyone left the pool, he started talking to me. I thought that it was cool because “an older man” was paying attention to me. We were in the hot tub and honestly, I didn’t see anything wrong with that because he was my cousin, right? I remember that he came very close to me and touched me, and I do remember saying “no”. He pulled my bathing suit bottom over and put his finger on my lips and said, “no one will believe you”.

Afterwards, he left the pool and I was alone. I don’t remember exactly what all happened, but I know that I stayed in the pool for a while then went to shower. I do remember thinking that no one would believe me because he was a youth minister after all. And then at some point, I started telling myself that maybe I had wanted it or what had I done to deserve it. As I look back on it, it was rape. Just because it happened 35 years ago doesn’t make it any less than what it was. Just because I don’t remember very many details doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen.

I’m not strong enough to have spoken up and I didn’t think anyone would believe me. Or I thought that I would be blamed for what happened. Why didn’t I fight or scream? I don’t know. The sad part for me in this story is that in 35 years we haven’t moved forward in how we look at things. I see all the stuff on the news and think “Gee, we still crucify the woman”. I do understand that there are women that use this against men but just because there are a few bad apples, doesn’t mean that everyone does.

And then I see things that basically say that you shouldn’t be held responsible for actions that you did in college and was drunk. In my eyes, if we can’t hold a college drunk responsible for their actions then who is responsible? From what I see, a lot of people are saying that only the girl is responsible. So, if a young college student is drunk and crashes into someone, he is not responsible because he was just having drunk? Really?

It saddens me how as a society, we are still always blaming the woman and tearing her apart. I just hope that this never happens to any of you or your daughters or you granddaughters. Because who will believe them?

Well, I want to leave on a happy note. I challenge you to try to see something from someone else’s perspective. It’s not always an easy thing to do but just try! Love you and hugs to everyone.


  1. Well said my friend sometimes life is not always fair but we as strong 💪 people we will overcome the bad ugly things that happen to us I think that’s what makes us stronger people GOD BLESS US ALL!!!

    1. Yes ma’am! It’s such a tough subject but a necessary one!


A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...