My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Best Daughter in the World!

Good morning everyone. I hope that your morning has started out as well as mine. Today is such a special day to me. 31 years ago, at 10:41, one of the most blessed events of my life happened. My daughter, Tiffany Ann, was born. I am going to let the pictures talk for themselves today. I can say that we have such an awesome relationship that it just blows me away. She has always been such a delight and joy, well, maybe not “always” we did at least make it through her teenage years! Haha

I’m thinking that I have most of these pictures in order but if not, forgive me. Saying Happy Birthday and I love you just doesn’t seem to be enough. There are no words to describe how she makes me feel. I’m so proud that my heart just wants to burst out of my chest. She not only makes me proud, but she gave me two beautiful grandbabies that I absolutely adore!

             Happy Birthday
                  I love you

You are everything and so much more
than I could have ever dreamed of.











I hope that all of you have an awesome day!


  1. This is seriously so sweet! I love you so much! Thank you!

  2. So Kool loving the flash bac pics Awesome!!!
    Happy birthday Tiffany God bless you and your beautiful family


A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...