My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Thursday, November 15, 2018


Good Morning Y’all! I’ve had a couple of busy days. On the 13th, I took all three kiddos to the dentist. That went fairly well. The two boys have a lot of permanent teeth getting ready to come in. They did awesome. No one attempted to run away from the dentist which is a good sign. I personally don’t go to the dentist. I am not sure why, but I hate going. But I’m not going to tell the kids that!

I guess that I must have been energetic on Tuesday because I came home and made one of my hubby’s favorite meals. I fried up some burritos. I don’t make them but maybe twice a year because they are so fattening. But here are some pictures. The kiddos tore them up! So, I guess they really liked them.

As of yesterday, I’ve been married to Wesley for nine years. I know that doesn’t seem much to most, but it is a lot for me. I know that we have issues, but we still love each other very much. He text me while I was at our Yoakum Garden Club meeting and asked if I wanted to have lunch together. I felt awful because I had just gotten lunch and was eating with the ladies in the club. We did meet up right after that and spent the rest of the day together. It was nice. We don’t do that often enough. He is always working. When we got home, he had me order some earrings that I have been wanting for a long time. He isn’t very tech savvy to be able to order them himself. Lol

I started out my day yesterday by going to Bernice’s for breakfast. She made homemade tortillas and eggs with sausage. Yummy, they were so good. I pray for her every day. She is always on the go and busy thinking of what everyone else needs and I think that sometimes she forgets to take care of herself. But don’t think that I don’t remind her!

The following pictures are the progress of my eyes. It’s been a week and I think that they are doing great.

I hope that all you have a beautiful day!


  1. Awww happy anniversary my awesome friendsLove y’all


A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...