My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

I Feel Awesome!

Good morning everyone! I hope that your day has started out great. I got to visit with my bff yesterday and had coffee and some homemade breakfast burritos. They were awesome but not as awesome as visiting with Bernice. I love you lady and miss you.

When I left her house, I headed to Victoria to get tires for my vehicle. They are aftermarket tires and are expensive. On the way, I started thinking about how I am so blessed. I remember how I couldn’t afford tires. When my cars tires would get bald and about to blow, I would usually have to wait until they blew and then try to find a decent used tire. And this was with most of my cars. So, as I headed to get tires (dreading the cost) I was prepared to buy 4 new tires. When I got there, the young man went out to check for all the numbers he needed to get the right tire. He came back to tell me that I only need the 2 back ones replaced. My front tires were still good. Wow, that was such a wonderful surprise. I now have 2 new tires and don’t have to worry about traveling.

These thoughts also brought up the old feelings of worry. I used to have to worry about how I was going to feed my kids every week. Leg quarters were my friends! 😊 I can make chicken so many ways! My ex would give me $40 a week for groceries. That amount was supposed to feed 4 of us and buy all hygiene products as well and cleaning and laundry supplies. Of course, things were cheap back then. I could get leg quarters for 29 cents a pound.

I look in my cabinets and deep freeze and refrigerator and realize how blessed I am. I still buy leg quarters, but I don’t have to worry about having food. Don’t get me wrong, we don’t have any money saved up, but we are making it one week at a time. We have everything that we need, and the kids are allowed a few wants. I have already got some of the kiddos Christmas. I also have some of the other grandchildren’s Christmas. I just need to get busy sewing.

My hubby and I worried about how we were going to take care of these kids when we first got them. We didn’t even have a vehicle that would carry all 6 of us. God has provided in so many ways that it brings tears to my eyes. I surely don’t deserve the blessings that He has bestowed on us. I just hope that I can follow His will for my life and let my life be an example to bring others to Him.

Thank you, God, for everything that you do for my family!

I hope that you all have a wonderful day and count your blessings!

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