My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Family is Everything

Happy Columbus Day! I hope that your weekend was enjoyable and productive. We deep cleaned our house. The only thing left to do is wash all the sheets and covers and I need to clean my room. I think that this week should be a fairly easy week. But of course, that is subject to change. 🤨

I want to write something today that isn’t about me, but it will be about my perspective on the subject. I’ll give you a little background. I have 3 older brothers. I also have cousins We aren’t all close, but I know that we would have each other’s back if needed. I also know that we wouldn’t try to intentionally try to hurt each other.

My husband is the oldest child of four. There are only three of them still alive. Their grandpa had 33 acres of land. When he passed away, he didn’t leave a will, so the land was left to his kids. Some of the land was sold to Wesley’s mom. They lived in the “homestead” which is the original house of his grandpa. When his mom and dad passed away, they didn’t leave a will either. So, their part of the land was divided between their three kids.

So, all this land is considered ‘undivided’ land between a lot of the family. No one seems to want it divided so that everyone knows exactly what theirs is. No one lives out there but my husbands’ brother and his family. He owns a trailer up on the hill above the old homestead.

As a matter of fact, I don’t believe that any of the family has even bothered to help with the taxes on the property for many years. Since Wesley’s dad passed away, there are some that want to get all involved in what happens to the land. I understand that they have a vested interest in the land, but no one has lived out there in a very long time. No one goes out there to help take care of the place.

This is the part that I don’t understand: they are all family and have really good memories of growing up together there. I have heard some wonderful stories about their growing up years. It wasn’t an easy life, but they always had each other. Now, in my perspective, it seems as if they just want to control things and stab each other in the back. Why can’t they get together and do what is best for the land and protect those wonderful memories?

I do understand that they all have differences of opinions and sometimes hard feelings. Why is there always some that want to control everything? If all of this is so hard for everyone, why not all go in together and get a title company to get the land surveyed so that everyone knows what part of the land they own. Then they can control that part. That would eliminate a lot of conflict.

The old homestead is not livable. In my opinion, it could be condemned. And the land is undivided, so no one owns any specific part of the land, just some unspecified part of it. 🤦‍♀️

Again, this is just my take on the situation and I am sure that some will disagree with me and I’m ok with that. Family is so important. Life is too short for a lot of discord. Memories are there to cherish and not destroy.

I have another challenge for everyone. Reach out to a family member that you aren’t close to and just tell them that you love them. Before you do, pray about that family member and let God put the words in you mouth.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful day and give someone your smile!



  1. People people!!! Some just talk to much

    1. I'm not trying to attack them, I just don't understand.

  2. That is so true honey they try to run the show and and they can't they till you one thing and do something else this not going to happen of I have have something to do with it

    1. Now, now. Don't get riled up. I just don't see how family that grew up together can be that way to each other. I love you!


A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...