My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father's Day

I want to say good evening to everyone and Happy Fathers Day to all of the dad's out there. Can I suggest that you call or go see him as often as possible? Trust me when I say that you will be glad that you did. I lost my father a long time ago (13 years ago on the 12th of this month) I don't think that we ever say "Gee, I spent too much time with _____" You can fill in the blank. I know that we all have busy lives but never let them keep you from the people that you love.

I got to enjoy my brother Randy and his wife Kathy. He fried fish at his son's, Blake, house. I honestly think that he only invited me for the tarter sauce I make. 😉 I enjoyed getting out of the house but it made me very sad too. As we were going down the road, all I could think about is "How is this world still going without Ezzy?" It just isn't right. Some days, I feel like the world just stopped that day or that it should have. Why God Why? Why does everything keep going? Why didn't you preform a miracle that day? Why didn't you just take me? I would have gladly taken his place! God, You are still in the business of miracles, aren't you? I know that there aren't answers that would satisfy me right now. One day, God will give me all of the answers that I ask now. But for now, I don't understand how the world keeps moving! Part of this makes me really angry, like 'how dare they'. Not sure who 'they are' but I'm assuming that in my mind I'm thinking about everyone and anyone who isn't hurting like me. But this is really a stupid thing to think because I wouldn't want anyone to feel the way that I do. I know that I'm rambling but I am just typing as the words come to my mind.

Tomorrow, I'm going to try to focus on my house and getting it straightened up. I hope that all of you had a wonderful weekend and that you have an awesome week to come!

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