My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Friday, August 28, 2020

Forgiving is Hard


Good afternoon y'all. I have been thinking of forgiveness. It is something that we all should do. Holding on to things only hurts ourselves. The reality of being angry with God is a hard one to explain. One of the hardest things for me to admit is that I am angry at myself for still being alive. It should have been me that passed on in May. It definitely wasn't my choice and I know that I can't change anything, so then why am I mad at myself. I will be working on this. My anger at God has lessened. 

But forgiveness is truly a gift that we give ourselves. It frees us from that bitterness that can take root in our very soul. It will darken your days and play havoc with your mind. I talk from experience. I used to think "I will forgive ___ if only they would say that they are sorry". But honestly, even if they say this, do they truly mean it? If I waited for everyone who ever did me wrong, I would be a bitter old woman. I don't want to feel this. I want to be joyful and loving. I can't be these things if I hold resentment. 

I know that we aren't always able to go to someone and say "I forgive you!" but it is important that you pray about it and sincerely forgive others. Again, it's not so much for them but for yourself. I challenge you to try this. I find that I feel better inside after doing so! 

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