My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Friday, November 16, 2018

It Was Morning

Good morning! I can say that, it’s 11:40 when I started this. 😊 I was up at 4:30 am to get ready to go to San Antonio for my post-surgery follow-up. That went well. Back home now and it was a beautiful drive. I have some pictures of my ride home. I had Martina McBride blaring out of my speakers and the windows rolled down (explains the hair style). It was awesome, I haven’t done that in a long time.

First, I want to tell you what an awesome doctor I had. His name is Dr. Mauffray. I’m going to say that I was extremely nervous. I was awake and carrying a conversation throughout the entire surgery. I went to recovery and was ready to sit up as soon as I got there. I had to be in there for thirty minutes. Then they took me to another room where I got dressed and left. The recovery has been easy. No pain, just a little tenderness. The swelling went down pretty quick and a minimum of bruising. Great Job!

Also, yesterday evening, Wesley and I went to a counseling session together. We had been disconnecting for a while. Out of the session, we (with the help of the counselors) are supposed to have a date night every week. Even if it is only an hour long. This next Tuesday is my turn to plan it and then the following week is his turn. We each have a lot on our plate and sometimes forget to work on ourselves. So, we are going to give it a try.

I think that Bernice is coming over this afternoon and we are going to sew. It’s such a beautiful day. I hope that all of your prayers are answered and all is well with you!

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