My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

21 More Days

Good morning y’all. Well it’s November now and there are only 21 days until Thanksgiving. Wow! I don’t think that I will actually count the days until that OTHER holiday yet! So, what are your plans today? I am going to work on the little blankets that I need to get done. I’ve been a little bit of a slump. I’ve been there a lot longer than I like. Here's something for your taste buds:


Well, let me tell you about yesterday. I’ll have to back up and give the background on the story. Nick had made a comment about 6 weeks ago that I couldn’t embarrass him at school. For me, that sounded like a challenge. The video is below. You be the judge! I had an incredibly good time doing this to him. I’m working on video now. IT WON'T LET ME INSERT IT!!!!! Here is a picture of how I went to school yesterday!

I’m feeling pretty good today. It seems hit and miss some days. I think that I sound like a broken record on this, but it is what it is! I woke up this morning and had to take my car in for service. Wesley followed me, and I brought his truck home. I saw a beautiful sunrise. I keep thinking that there is hope in the dawning of a new day. I hope that you like the picture.

Now it is after 1:00 pm and the day is virtually gone. The only thing that I have managed to do is take my car in, take Nick some allergy medicine, and wash 2 loads of laundry. I need to check out my tv because our cable was out last night, so I rebooted the box. We shall see if that worked.

I have surgery in six days on my eyelids. I’m a little nervous and a little excited. Nervous because I really don’t know what I am looking at and excited because it will be nice to be able to see better. I am going to have lunch with Eli tomorrow. He doesn’t know it yet. Next Wednesday is grandparent’s day at school and I won’t be able to be there because of my surgery so I thought that I would surprise him tomorrow.

I hope that you make the best out of your day and I will try to make the best out of what is left of mine.

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