My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Thelma and Louise?

Good morning y’all. I’m feeling pretty good this morning. I’ve had a rough week but hopefully that is over. We had court on Tuesday and I had surgery yesterday. I want to warn you that I am going to post pictures that show before and after surgery. If you have a weak stomach, I suggest that you not look at the photos. I will post them at the end of this blog.

These last couple of weeks have been super tough. Not only with court with Emilio and surgery, we found out that our attorney set up mediation for the custody case. I feel like my hubby and I haven’t been connecting on any level. Is it only the stress or something else? I don’t know. We keep snapping at each other. We are going to go to our counselors together.

I’ll start with court. We were expecting him to be placed in a school for boys with his issues for a 6-month program and to be on probation until he is 17 but that is not the case. After looking an evaluation, the judge wouldn’t accept anything less than a year at the school and probation until he is 18. I’m not sure what is on the evaluation but plan on addressing that when we go to counseling with him. They said that he is high risk. What does this mean? Not only this, we have to pay a one-time court fee of $20. We also must pay $600 for the court appointed attorney as well as $5 probation fee per month. Now mind you, we don’t and haven’t received a penny of child support for him.

I got a message from our attorney a week ago saying that we are supposed to have mediation on December 7. We had mediation back in February and were told that we had to have it before we went to court the final time. Our attorney said that the next thing we would have to do is go to court for the final hearing. What’s up with that? Last time we had to pay $1400 for 2 hours of explaining our entire situation to a mediator and him going to her and finding out her side and then that was the end of it. She wanted custody with us having visitation and we weren’t going to give her that. In 14 months, she has seen the kids 7 times, and only called 8 which most of were initiated by us. She hasn’t shown any financial responsibility for any of the kids. The dad of 3 of them was paying child support which came directly out of his check went to her and she was supposed to send it to us. It was like pulling eye teeth to get her to send it. We have received $125 in the last two months. At least it is something.

Now for my surgery, I have put comments on the pictures so that you can follow along. I was awake throughout the operation. The doctor and I carried a conversation through the whole thing. But I must thank Bernice for being such a good sport. Who in their right mind would volunteer to go sit in the hospital? My crazy friend! I’m not sure which one of us Thelma or Louise but she always has my back!


  1. Hey beautiful doing great looking great 👍🏼
    Now about the rest of your life take one day at a time God is with y’all


A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...