My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Not much!

Good morning everyone. I hope that your weekend is going great. Mine is going ok. Yesterday, the kids and I went to the church to make shoe boxes for children who might not otherwise get Christmas gifts. I drove the van with all the kids and we went to the Dollar Tree in Victoria. The kiddos had a blast. After we finished stuffing the boxes, we had a meet and greet with the prospective Student Minister. I feel like he really connected with the kids and I believe that is a real good thing.

Pheby isn’t feeling well. Her stomach is hurting, and she doesn’t look too good this morning. I’m going to stay at home with her. Wesley is going to take the two boys to church. I used my daddy’s old remedy on Pheby. A small cup of room temperature Coke and some crackers. We will see how that works. I have also given her some pepto.

This week is going to be a busy one. The kids are out of school on Monday. Tuesday, we will be in court with Emilio and then on Wednesday I am having the eyelid surgery. I’m a little nervous about it. I really don’t know what to expect. I don’t imagine that I will feel too bad. I figure that my eyes might be sore but hopefully that is all. I’m planning on Bernice taking pictures before and after so that I can show you how this works.

This is going to be a short blog. My plans are to lay around and watch some tv today. I have so many shows on dvr that I can be a couch potato all day. I hope that you have a wonderfully blessed day today!


  1. You know it !! Pictures it is!! Let’s start praying for a safe journey home!! Lol !! In the name of Jesus Christ!Amen

    1. Don't worry Bernice, I'll show you the way home from behind my bandages! lol


A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...