Howdy everyone. I hope that your morning is going great! For me, I’m not sure yet. I am working on my second cup of coffee so the fog is just starting to lift! Haha Well, it’s only five days till Thanksgiving. What does that look like for you? I’m always curious as to what others do for Thanksgiving. Mine has been the same for my entire life. But there has been a time when I tried different things, but it never felt like Thanksgiving. So, I’ll stick to our traditional this year. Bernice and her family are going to join us. I’m super excited because we are going to cook together.
Today, they are coming over and we are going to grill something on the pit and hopefully do some sewing. I have sewn together 5 throws and have 4 more ready to be sewn. I need to cut off the excess and stitch them up. Then we will tie them, and they will be done. I have more material to buy to have enough for the rest of the babies, but I don’t feel right buying more until I have finished with the ones that I can do now.
I’ll take pictures and share them when I get them done. They are only for curling up on the couch with or cuddling in bed with. They aren’t big enough to fit across an entire bed. Maybe some year, I will feel energetic enough to make them all quilt again. That would be something that I would have to start in January with the hopes of being done by December. The toughest part of that undertaking is to design each one. I usually spend as much time designing it as I do making one. But that is a long-term goal. It might even take 2 years to do it. We shall see.
Well, I’m going to stop typing now because we are going to clean the house and I am planning on sewing after that. I might even play a little Sims 4 if I have time before Wesley gets home. I hope that y’all have a wonderful day.
BBQ was delicious company was even better