My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thanksgiving Eve

Happy Thanksgiving Eve everyone! I know that most people don’t call it that, but I do because there is almost as much preparation done today as before Christmas. I love today not only because I start preparing for Thanksgiving but also because it is only a couple of days until I can put up my Christmas tree.

Today, I will be making my cornbread for the dressing. I’ll be making some pies and Wesley will be making pecan pies and getting the turkey ready for the smoker. I’ll be roasting one in the oven as well. I love turkey, so I want to make sure there is plenty for leftovers.

I am going to take Eli to meet his mom. There are no words to express my appreciation to Lisa for always working with me. I would be so lost if I didn’t get to see him. I am hoping one day that he and I can take a trip together. I miss that one on one time with him.

Well, today, it has been two weeks since my surgery. What do you think? I am so happy with how my eyes look now. You can actually see my eyes now. They have always been one of my favorite things about myself. It happened so slowly over the years that I didn’t even realize. I know that in the last few years, my hubby would ask me if I was sleepy all the time. He doesn’t ask me as much now. When he does ask, he is usually right, I am tired.

This also one of those days that I miss my mom. She loved this time of year and so do I. Y’all will probably get tired of hearing me talk about Christmas. Be fore warned that I will tell you about my adventures of making candies, Christmas shopping, and all the preparations leading up to Christmas.

I hope that you have a wonderful day. Don’t stress over all that you have to do. Do one thing at a time, turn on some good music and relax. Enjoy the things that you are doing. I will do the same.

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