My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Friday, November 30, 2018

Wonderful Friday

Wonderous Beautiful Friday Morning! So, what has be in an awesome mood. My hubby just left for the weekend and the kiddos left for school.😎 No, I don’t mean it in a bad way. Wesley is going deer hunting with my brother, Randy. He needs some time away. He works so much that he is just worn out. He needs some time to rejuvenate. And the kiddos will be home at 4.

This afternoon, Bernice and Karen are supposed to come over. Bernice said that she wants to work on the throws while Karen and I make candy. But first thing is first. I am going to work on Bernice’s moms quilt. I want to get it all cut out and the diagonals sewn together.

I’m not sure what we are going to do this weekend. I’m thinking a game night on Saturday night. Maybe some frozen pizza and sodas. We haven’t done that in a while. Maybe we could find an Xbox game that we could challenge each other. They would have the advantage because I don’t know the controllers. What to do? What to do?

I’m going to stop writing now because I want to get a bath and do the dishes this morning so that I don’t have to worry about them for the rest of the day. I hope that you have an awesome day. Remember to give your smile to someone today.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Are you prepared?

Good afternoon everyone. I didn’t write this morning because I have been busy doing laundry, dishes, playing Sims, and getting emails cleared out. But it feels good to have done these things. I am freezing. My house is cold. I keep thinking that it will warm up but hasn’t so far. I think that I will go check the thermostat and see what my hubby put it on.

Speaking of my hubby, he is leaving tomorrow to go deer hunting with my brother. I am so excited for him. He always enjoys it. It is usually hard to get him to go anywhere without me, but I think that it is good for him to have ‘man’ time. He has been so stressed out lately with working all the time.

As for me, I think that Bernice, Karen, and I are going to make some candy. I think that we will have a blast. I want to make peanut brittle, fudge, and coconut bon bons. I’m not sure if I want to attempt divinity or not. So I’ll get up in the morning and go get all of the stuff for this.  

Bernice is coming over today so that we can work on the throws and she is bringing stuff for dinner. I’m thinking that we should have a slumber party here Friday or Saturday night. Gosh, don’t I sound like a kid? Anywho, it was just a thought. Come to think of it, I usually start feeling like a kid around Christmas. What is it? 27 days until Christmas?

I hope that you have a wonderful day and always be thankful for the small things in your life.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Calm thoughts

Good morning. I hope that your morning has started out wonderful. I slept until 7:00 and haven’t done much other than pay some bills and finish up Christmas shopping Now, I need to get busy in the house. It is a little hard to concentrate on things today. We are making some really hard decisions and it has my mind in a tizzy. I can’t talk about right now, but I will share it with y’all at a later date. Peaceful and calm thoughts!

I have been doing laundry as well. I need to clean out my roaster oven. Does anyone else dislike doing this? I don’t know why I dislike it so much. Anyone want to volunteer to do it for me? Lol  I want to work on the throws a little today but my patience isn’t what it needs to be for that.

Bernice came over yesterday evening and had dinner with us and helped me put a couple on the quilting frame. It makes it easier to do the ties. We are taking embroidery thread and tying it like some of the old quilts were done. I might go in and turn on the tv and try to do it. I can’t thank Bernice enough for all that she does for me. Just having her as a friend is so awesome.

Today’s post is short because my mind is going a million places. I'm going to keep trying to think of 'calm' things! I hope that you are working on you Christmas stuff and have a productive day. If you don’t start on Christmas, it will sneak up on you.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

What today is looking like!

Good morning everyone. So sorry that I have been remiss in writing this blog. I’ve had a hard time coming up with things to write. I always worry that I am going to bore you. But not writing is boring me. I use this as an outlet. I’m not sure what I want to write about today.

I know that I am going to sew this morning.I need to finish up 9 of the throws. I have this whole week free, so I plan on getting a lot of these throws done. I don’t procrastinate, I just work better under pressure.

I am also trying to figure out what to get for a white elephant gift. I have looked up so many things and nothing has jumped out at me yet. Wesley has already picked his out. I have bought the kiddos but can’t seem to figure out what I want to get.

Yesterday, I made hotdogs and chili with homemade French fries. Now to what I want for today. ????? I don’t know. Part of me wants chicken and dumplings but I’m not sure that I want to take that much time. I guess that I could just make drop dumplings. I think that is what I am going to do. I have jiffy baking mix (like bisquick) so it won’t take too much to do. I just need to get the chicken out and start it. That is one of the hardest things, figuring out what I want to cook every day. I have even gotten to where I don’t want to cook. And I have always loved cooking.

I’m going to stop writing and go get busy. I hope that you have a wonderfully happy and productive day.

Sunday, November 25, 2018


May God bless you today and every day. I am awake and smelling some good cooking. My hubby is cooking breakfast this morning. I’ve already had my coffee. How did I rate this kind of treatment? I have had a wonderful week. Thanksgiving was awesome with good friends. My friends are becoming more than just friends, they are more like family. I wish that they truly knew what was in my heart. I can’t imagine my life without them.

On Friday morning, I woke up at 4:00 am to go shopping at a fabric store to get the rest of the material that I needed for the throws that I am making. I haven’t had a chance to work on them yet, but I am thinking that I will this week.

After I got home, the kiddos and I started putting up our Christmas tree and decorations. The house was a wreck for a while. We didn’t get it finished Friday but Saturday morning it was finally finished. After lunch, we went outside and started getting the decorations ready. Mikka came over and was such a huge help. Our yard looks gorgeous. Thank you Mikka for all your help.


Karen and Rob invited us over Saturday night for some dominoes. It was so much fun even though the guys beat us 3 out of 5 games. But next time belongs to us. I think that we are going to make this a normal thing. We all need that. I think that it is important to have friends. For the longest time, I didn’t have any friends but now I do. It is so awesome. Bernice, you are going to have to get into this with us. I know that you are so busy, but we aren’t going anywhere. Whenever things slow down for you, we will be right here.


I went to church this morning. It was so awesome. Our church is growing, and I feel such warmth there. I hope that if you aren’t in church that you can find one that is as wonderful as ours! I’m not saying that it is perfect because no church is, but you can so feel the love. And what was the greatest gift that God gave us? LOVE!  

My wish for everyone is to feel the love that I feel in my heart. I hope that your day is out of this world.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thanksgiving Eve

Happy Thanksgiving Eve everyone! I know that most people don’t call it that, but I do because there is almost as much preparation done today as before Christmas. I love today not only because I start preparing for Thanksgiving but also because it is only a couple of days until I can put up my Christmas tree.

Today, I will be making my cornbread for the dressing. I’ll be making some pies and Wesley will be making pecan pies and getting the turkey ready for the smoker. I’ll be roasting one in the oven as well. I love turkey, so I want to make sure there is plenty for leftovers.

I am going to take Eli to meet his mom. There are no words to express my appreciation to Lisa for always working with me. I would be so lost if I didn’t get to see him. I am hoping one day that he and I can take a trip together. I miss that one on one time with him.

Well, today, it has been two weeks since my surgery. What do you think? I am so happy with how my eyes look now. You can actually see my eyes now. They have always been one of my favorite things about myself. It happened so slowly over the years that I didn’t even realize. I know that in the last few years, my hubby would ask me if I was sleepy all the time. He doesn’t ask me as much now. When he does ask, he is usually right, I am tired.

This also one of those days that I miss my mom. She loved this time of year and so do I. Y’all will probably get tired of hearing me talk about Christmas. Be fore warned that I will tell you about my adventures of making candies, Christmas shopping, and all the preparations leading up to Christmas.

I hope that you have a wonderful day. Don’t stress over all that you have to do. Do one thing at a time, turn on some good music and relax. Enjoy the things that you are doing. I will do the same.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The start of the Holiday Season

Good Morning Y’all. I have been busy with kids. On Saturday, we cleaned the house and ended up barbequing with some friends. Bernice, Martin, Karen, and Rob all came over. We enjoyed them so much. Bernice had a very long day, so they left early. Karen and I took on Rob and Wesley at a game of dominoes. I wouldn’t want to brag but we beat the guys 3 games out of 4. But regardless, it was a really good night.         

On Sunday, we went to church then came home to bake desserts for the bake sale. It was so cool, Pheby made banana nut bread. Nick made a red velvet cake. I made peanut brittle. Wesley and Bubba made pecan pies. That evening, we went to meet Lisa in Giddings to get Eli. We took the kids for McDonalds for dinner (yummy 🤢). I now must share him with others. I used to get him all to myself but not any longer. But I am so thankful that his mom works with me so easily. Kids are so busy everyday that there is little time for family members that live a little distance away. I don’t know how my grandparents did it. We lived 6 hours away from them. We didn’t get to see them a lot but when we did, it was so special.

On Monday, we had a bake sale for the children of our church, Austin Street Baptist Church. Oh My Goodness, it was so cold. We had fun nonetheless and sold quiet a bit. I really appreciate everyone who bought stuff from these kids. I think that we might have done better if we had been at a different location and on a different day. But you learn as you go. 

So today is going to be an easy one. We are doing laundry, we cleaned off the bar for Thanksgiving and I am letting the kids play on the Xbox. When I get finished with this blog, I’m going to go sew. I have 9 put together but need to complete so that Bernice and I can tie them. After I get these 9 done, I can go buy the rest of the material for the 12 that are left to do. I can’t seem to let myself go buy more until I finished up the ones I have the material for.

I hope that you have a productive and happy day.

A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...