My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Friday, December 14, 2018

Lots on my mind!

 Good morning everyone. I’ll start out by saying that the only thing I did yesterday was clean my kitchen. Then I took a nap and well, as they say, the rest is history! 😜 I guess that today is going to be the day that I unload. I’ve got so many things going through my head that I need to get some of it out. The decision that Wesley and I have made and it being Christmas time makes for a busy time in my mind. So, here goes nothing.

Wesley and I have had conversations and said prayers over the grandchildren that we are raising. We have decided to let the three children that are still here go back to their mom. This decision didn’t come easy nor did it come without reservations. First off, we are putting some safety measures in place to try and protect the children. We get visitations once a month, spring breaks, and two weeks in the summer. If CPS is ever called back in, the kiddos come back to us. There are some other details, but this is the main stuff. We have always thought that the kids belonged with their parents if possible. She has held the same job for over a year and a half and she has kept the same home for that same amount of time. She has also been raising her other three children without any issues that we are aware of.

Now, she doesn’t do things that we do but there a lot of people that are raising their kids differently than we would, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have their kids. And she isn’t a bad person because the kids wouldn’t be as good as they are. And they are good kids. I am going to miss them so much. I’m trying to keep myself busy so that I don’t think about it. I know that our house is going to be so quiet. But I don’t want to think about it right now. I will deal with that when it gets here.

I must work on the blankets today. I need to know if I have all the material that is needed to finish them. And of all things, there are 2 in boxes that I haven’t taken pictures of and 1 that is wrapped. Hopefully that is the one that Dilly and Lucy already unwrapped. ðŸ¤¦‍♀️ They are so helpful!

I haven’t spoke about my battle with cigarettes in a long time. I had quit for 3 months but all of that happened with our grandson and I lit up. I finally got to the right spot in my mind that I wanted to stop smoking again. The doctor ordered Chantix for me and I haven’t smoked in almost a week. Super excited! Yesterday was really difficult. But I have found that if I stay busy, then I don’t want them!

I hope that y’all have a wonderful day and that you do something nice for yourself. I know that I am going to pamper myself in a bath and try to eat right today. 

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