My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

It's here!

Good morning y’all! I guess that I am excited because I woke up at 4 this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. Moving day is upon us and I have a lot to do. I need to go pay the rent and pick up the uhaul this evening. Wesley is wanting to go ahead and put the boxes in the truck. We shall see, there are a lot of boxes. In my head, I would love to take the boxes to the house, but I know me, I would stay up all night unpacking boxes! So, it’s probably a smart thing not to take them over.

Sorry about yesterday, I was a little on the “poor me” kick but not today. I’m glad that we got everything ready. It should make it easier to move. I think that I have everything done. Cable is set up to be turned on Sunday so that my hubby doesn’t miss the Superbowl.

It’s kind of cute that he asked me “On Sunday, I want you to promise me that during the Superbowl, you’ll sit and watch it with me and not be unpacking.” I’m hoping that I can do that. I have a hard time just sitting when there are boxes sitting around with stuff telling me “I want out of here.” Lol

We have quite a few people that are supposed to come help us. Lil Wesley, Harvey, Wes, Chris and Prissy are the heavy movers to get stuff over to the house. Bernice and Karen are going to help me unpack the boxes (so that they won’t talk to me), mostly my kitchen. Blake is coming tomorrow evening. Then on Saturday, Randy and Kathy are coming with our refrigerator. We will be doing the last-minute walk thru to make sure that we got it all. And trying to get the house in order. I think that by Sunday, I should be able to sit and watch the Superbowl. 

Oh, and I can’t forget Rob, since he is recovering from knee surgery, he gets to supervise Lucy and Dilly.

Bernice and I went to look at the house yesterday. It is really cute in an old-fashioned way. Just up my alley. As we walked through the house, I was mentally putting my furniture where I wanted it. The only room I didn’t do that in was my sewing room.

Well, I’m finished writing for today. I’ll write Monday and let you know how things go. I will try to take pictures for you. I hope that you have a more relaxing weekend than I’m going to have. Hugs!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Closer and closer

Good morning everyone. I want you to know that moving this time is the hardest that I have ever experienced. Wesley is working all the time and he is hurting when he gets home. I have been doing one room a day. I know that I am not a young whipper snapper anymore. I have two more days. The only room left is our bedroom. We have a lot of it already packed but I need to finish. I want to do that today so that Thursday all I need to do is the odds and ends that I find.

Moving is so stressful. I’m trying to be patient and not letting myself get overwhelmed. Some days I feel like I am doing this all alone. I didn’t know I had the energy or strength to do everything that I have done. I get angry as I’m doing it because I don’t get any help. I know that he hurts and is so tired every day. But knowing that doesn’t help my feelings.

My mind never stops. I am always thinking of things that I want to do over there. For example, I have already figured out how I want my flower bed in the front. Now the one thing that I haven’t figured out is my sewing room. Surprised? I am. I figured that I would be so excited and know exactly what I want but I don’t. I’m hoping that once I get everything over there, I’ll have a wonderful inspiration. But I am open to suggestions if y’all want to help me out.

We are so blessed, we are going to have five people helping us on Friday and three or four on Saturday. We couldn’t do it all alone. I don’t know how I can tell them what it means to us. I am going to keep looking at my blessings today, that will help me not be negative. I want to stay positive and motivated today. I hope that you have a blessed day! Hugs!!!!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Fun day! 🤪


Good morning y’all! I hope that this week brings excitement and hope. I am so exhausted. Wesley worked me to death this weekend. I feel like we accomplished a lot. The extra bedrooms and bathroom are finished. The dining room is full of boxes. The rooms that are left to do has already been stripped down to necessities. I am going to start our bathroom today and paint the top of my table.

I have an appointment with the kidney doctor this morning. It’s a routine visit to let me know about my lab work. I do this once a year. I don’t know how much it is going to cost but I know that it won’t be cheap. I hate the beginning of the year for this reason. The cost of three of my prescriptions are going to cost me $450 plus we pay $200 for the insurance. These three prescriptions have coupons but because I have Obamacare, I can not use them. There isn’t a generic for them otherwise I would get them cheaper.

Two of these are for my diabetes. Before my doctor changed me to these, I was taking 5 shots a day with at least 60 units each. That is a lot of insulin. Now I take one shot of Trulicity a week and one shot of Tresiba daily. It’s ridiculous! Anywho! I’ll stop complaining because it won’t do any good. I just need to suck it up and save up my money.

Man, I don’t feel like doing anything today! But I know that I don’t have that option. I must do at least one thing each day to be ready. I just want to be moved already! Patience isn’t one of my strong traits. But that is ok. I’m going to cook a pot of chili beans today with some cornbread. That will put a smile on anyone’s face.

Can I challenge you today? Give your smile to everyone you see. They might be going through a tough time and need it, be kind and gentle with your words, and do something nice for yourself. 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Next Weekend!

Good morning everyone. I haven’t written anything in a couple of days because we have been busy. I am very happy with our progress. We will be moving Friday and Saturday. We have some help coming on Friday and some fresh help on Saturday. I’m so excited that I am having a hard time sleeping.

Let me see if I can recall what we have done in the last three days. On Friday, Wesley came home early and brought his coworker. They loaded up all the big stuff off the porch and took it to storage. After he took his coworker home, we went to talk to Mr. Scott (new landlord). There is no gas to the house, but he called the gas company and made request for the gas. It might take a couple of weeks, but it will get done. I’m super exited about it because I love cooking on a gas stove.

When we got up yesterday, we loaded all the Christmas stuff in my car and in Wesley’s truck. Took both out to storage. We grabbed some trash out of the storage. When we got back home, we loaded Wesley’s truck with “junk” like 8 boxes of VHS tapes. Who has that many? US!

Now there is a story behind the tv in the picture. I guess it was 10 to 11 years ago. I got my income tax. Danny and I went to Walmart. We saw a tv for sell that was $600. It was one of those “new” 32” flat screens. I decided against it. We went home. Danny kept telling me that I should get it because I had never bought new stuff and I “deserved” it. Well, we went back and bought it. Later I found out that he only wanted it because he wanted to play his game system on it! The other funny thing about that tv is that once we got it home, Danny and Wesley were trying to put the base on, and they tried for over a half hour. I finally picked up the directions and all that they need to do was put one screw in! MEN!

Yesterday evening, Rob and Karen invited us for dinner which was really nice. Thank you both! We really enjoyed ourselves. I will have to concede that the guy whooped up on us in dominoes. They are always such gracious host. They gave me the wheel off a loom. I am going to put it in my sewing room. I will take a picture of it later, but it is cool.

I hope that you have a very blessed day. We are going to relax some today. At least that is our plans but I know both of us, we will ‘piddle’ and be exhausted by this evening.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Feel the excitement!

Good morning y’all. I hope that this morning finds you thinking only good things. I had an interesting day yesterday. I called the gentleman that we are wanting to rent from. He said that the house would be ready next weekend. Wow! We have been waiting for about 4 months and it seems almost like a dream. I am super excited and have been packing a little in the past couple of months. But for some reason yesterday after I spoke with him, I felt overwhelmed. I couldn’t concentrate on anything. My mind was going in all kind of directions. Today feels better so far!

My plans for today is to pack up the couple of boxes that I have. I know that we are going to need more boxes because I really haven’t started my bedroom. I am also going to paint my table legs. This will be second coat. Then once that dries, I’ll be able to turn it up and get the top. Putting polyurethane on it will not happen until the weather gets warmer.

How do you work through being overwhelmed? I find myself shutting down, zoning out, and unable to concentrate. Now that I have had a night to sleep on it, I find that I can decide what I need to do. As I have gotten older, it seems like getting overwhelmed is more common. When I was younger, I handled so much at one time and don’t really remember getting overwhelmed. That seems odd to me.

Wesley and I got the laundry room packed up. He is supposed to get all the stuff off the porch and put in storage this weekend. I have a U-Haul reserved for next Saturday. On this Monday, I’m going to call the electrical company to schedule a disconnect here and a reconnect over there. I also need to call the cable company for the same reason. Then I need to get a forward address form from the post office. I think that I should make a list of all the people who I need to inform of our address change.

I can sit here and think all day long but that isn’t going to help me get things done. I hope that you all have a wonderful day. Hugs to you!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

What to do?

Good morning. I’m hoping that your morning is going great. So far, mine is going wonderful. I got a good night’s sleep and God allowed me to wake up. How could anything be better than that? I want to make the most of this glorious day. I just looked at our weather for today and it looks like another cold front is supposed to come in. We have 100% chance of rain this evening.

It’s been a month since the kiddos went back to their mom. I think that we might be experiencing empty nest syndrome. Wesley has it a little more than me. I feel guilt because I don’t have it more than I do. I’m enjoying it being just him and I again. We go and do whatever we want without any thought of anyone else. This is when the guilt hits me. Don’t get me wrong, I miss them but I’m enjoying it just being Wesley and me.

When I cook, it doesn’t take long and most of the time, we have leftovers for the next day. It takes me three days to get enough dishes to run the dishwasher. I just hand wash them and put them into the dishwasher to dry.

As I reread this, it sounds so selfish to me. Is it wrong to feel this way? I love all my grandkids and would take anyone of them if the need arose, but we’ve already raised our children. I wouldn’t change anything that we did. I think it was needed. We are lucky that the mom got herself together. I still worry if we did the right thing letting them go home. They do seem happy when we talk.

I’m not sure what I am going to do today. I don’t have anything planned so we will see where it takes me. I do know that I am going to change my bed and wash everything. I am going to Victoria with my BFF, Bernice, to pick her son up at the bus stop.

Whatever you do today, enjoy it. Be thankful that God allowed you to wake up. Think of all the small stuff that you have to be thankful for. That always brightens my day. Hugs to you!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Cold front in Texas

Top of the morning to ya! I hope that you are staying warm. It is supposed to get cold here today. Of course, our cold would be some of y’alls heat wave. We shall see how cold it gets. We are going to pack up the kitchen and maybe the laundry room. We will see how it goes. I am also going to go through my clothes today. There are clothes that don’t fit and clothes that I don’t wear. I don’t see any reason why I should keep them.

Wesley and I slept in this morning. I woke up at 7:30 and he woke up at 8:00. I don’t know what has gotten into us but it sure is nice. We are drinking our first cup of coffee and chit chatting. I think that it might be a good day. Oh, wait a minute, it can be any kind of day I choose. God woke me up and allowed me to live another day so I will rejoice in it.

Why does it have to get cold when I want to paint? I got the table top done. I need cut it in a circle and paint my table. The material looks so good. I like the way it came together. I think it looks really sharp. I’m a little nervous about cutting it into a circle. But I figure that I will use a string to keep the right measurements.

I hope that your day is beautiful. Stay warm if it is cold where you are. Have a little fun today, it is Saturday. Hugs to you!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Creative Day

Good morning everyone. I’m super excited. I cut the material for my table. I just need to sew the diagonals together, then I get to lay it out on the table and decide what pattern I want to use. I have been ready to start since about 5 this morning. I’m hoping to have time to put the first coat of paint on the table, but I will have to see.

I also plan to go through my closet today. I have some clothes that I don’t wear, and I don’t see any reason to move them when I know someone that can use them. I’m thinking that this should be enough to keep me busy today.

Let me tell you what Lucy has been up to. On Sunday, I was going to print off a couple of flyers, but my printer wouldn’t turn on. I thought that it was broken. I checked the wires behind the printer, and I knew that it was plugged into the extension cord. Well, guess who chewed through the extension cord!!! I didn’t find this out until I found that out that she chewed through my keyboard cord. So, I put her in “doggy jail”.  Gotta love puppies!

I hope that you have a wonderful day. I also hope that you get something accomplished today. Give someone your smile, that might need it!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Starting Early

Good morning all. I am up and writing this at 3:30 am. I went to bed around 8:30 last night and this is what happens. My mind is already racing with the things that I need to do. I wish my brain had an off switch that way I could turn it off. I’m always thinking about the things that need to do and the things that I want to do. And in reality, I might accomplish a couple of those things. 😉 I am a big fan of writing list, but I never write one for myself. I always think that I will “remember” everything but that doesn’t happen.

I have gotten into this kick doing jigsaw puzzles. I do so many that I am having to redo some. I do them on my computer and I can usually finish one in about 15 minutes. I think that I need to challenge myself more by making them have more pieces. I love that I can do them on my computer, that way, I don’t have to use a table to do it and chance my cat knocking the pieces off and my dog chewing them up. Talk about frustration, that would drive me crazy!

I did manage to get my dining room packed up. I am going to work on the kitchen today. Bernice is coming over to help me. Woohoo! It helps me get motivated when I have someone to talk to while I’m working. I’m so excited about the move. I’ve been thinking about the house and what all I want to do in it. I bought some end tables and coffee tables really cheap. I’m going to redo them. I’m going to go with black furniture (the wooden stuff). But I want to add something, I’m just not sure yet what I want to add. I’ve only ever had my living room match my entire life. That was when I was 20. My stuff may not technically match but I’m going to redo everything the same!

It’s time for me to get to my puzzles and another cup of coffee. I hope that you have a wonderful day. Give someone your smile, that might need it today!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Beautiful Sunday

Good morning everyone. It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day. You will not believe what we did yesterday. We went to visit Emilio and returned home. When we got home, we were a little tired, so we decided to lay down and take a nap. Well…….our nap lasted until early this morning. I have already done 3 loads of laundry and even put them away. I need to get my kitchen cleaned up. I will do that after church this morning.

After church, we are going to Walmart to pick up our prescriptions and a few other things. I am hoping to pick up the paint that I need for the table. I would like to get it done today or tomorrow. We also need to run by the storage to pick up a dolly to move boxes around. I think that I want to box up my dining room and start my kitchen.

I hope that I don’t get tired early today. I feel good and need to get some things done. I hope that you do all the things that you want to do today. I’m off to get ready for church.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Sunshine Day

Good morning y’all. I hope that you are reading this with a smile on your face and in your heart. I slept until 7:30 but I didn’t go to bed until 1:30. I feel pretty good this morning. We went over to Karen and Rob’s last night. Bernice went as well. It was so nice to enjoy a meal together. There is nothing like spending an evening with good friends. 💕

We played a couple of games of dominoes. I don’t like to brag but……….we won 2 out of the 3 games that we played. Rob just had knee replacement and is doing very well from what I can tell, however, it didn’t help his domino playing ability. haha 😂🤣

We are going see Emilio today. We are taking him some boots and he asked for pizza today. I think that we will probably pick him up some honey buns as well. I have a game pack that has multiple game in a carrying case that I hope they will let him have.

I’m hoping to pick up some paint and polyurethane so that I can finish our table. I got it all sanded yesterday. I am super stoked about getting it done. I have a few things to figure out about the material and how to cut it in a perfect circle and do I want it to go all the way to the edge or leave about an inch of white all the way around.

I also need to box up some of the house today. I think if I can get myself motivated and box one room a day, I’ll be able to get it done in no time. My kitchen will probably take a couple of days, but it is still doable. MOTIVATE MOTIVATE MOTIVATE!!!!!

I hope that you have a wonderful day and have a little fun today. No matter what, keep a smile on your face.

A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...