My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Starting Early

Good morning all. I am up and writing this at 3:30 am. I went to bed around 8:30 last night and this is what happens. My mind is already racing with the things that I need to do. I wish my brain had an off switch that way I could turn it off. I’m always thinking about the things that need to do and the things that I want to do. And in reality, I might accomplish a couple of those things. 😉 I am a big fan of writing list, but I never write one for myself. I always think that I will “remember” everything but that doesn’t happen.

I have gotten into this kick doing jigsaw puzzles. I do so many that I am having to redo some. I do them on my computer and I can usually finish one in about 15 minutes. I think that I need to challenge myself more by making them have more pieces. I love that I can do them on my computer, that way, I don’t have to use a table to do it and chance my cat knocking the pieces off and my dog chewing them up. Talk about frustration, that would drive me crazy!

I did manage to get my dining room packed up. I am going to work on the kitchen today. Bernice is coming over to help me. Woohoo! It helps me get motivated when I have someone to talk to while I’m working. I’m so excited about the move. I’ve been thinking about the house and what all I want to do in it. I bought some end tables and coffee tables really cheap. I’m going to redo them. I’m going to go with black furniture (the wooden stuff). But I want to add something, I’m just not sure yet what I want to add. I’ve only ever had my living room match my entire life. That was when I was 20. My stuff may not technically match but I’m going to redo everything the same!

It’s time for me to get to my puzzles and another cup of coffee. I hope that you have a wonderful day. Give someone your smile, that might need it today!

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