My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Years Eve!!!!!

Good morning to everyone this New Years Eve! I was sitting here looking at pictures that I wanted to use in this blog and some things crossed my mind. I am beyond blessed by God. I’ve never had much in my adult life, but I have always had what I needed. And the stuff that I wanted I just hit estate sales! Lol But seriously, God has always provided my needs.
But I am a strange creature. My kids have always said that I am a gypsy because I move around and don’t stay in one place very long. That’s what I have been thinking of this morning. It was never that I didn’t want to stay put in one spot rather I like “new beginnings”. Let me explain:  When I move into a new place, I clean it before moving in boxes and I clean stuff as I get it out of the boxes. I take my time looking around to find the ‘right place’ for my stuff. When I am done with a room, I look and feel such a sense of pride.


When the house is complete, it’s beautiful to me, it’s clean to me, and it feels like a fresh new start! I also believe that the New Year gives us that same thing a new start. I try to feel that way every day, but I don’t always make it.

So maybe this year, instead of doing your normal, try looking at the New Year as a fresh start that YOU get to write. Not all days are going to be great, but it can be whatever you want it to be. If all days were great, we wouldn’t appreciate them as much. Wake up every morning with a joyful heart and thank God for allowing you to wake up! Make plans to do things even if it is just in your house. Reach out to people just because! Give someone your smile, they might just need it. Feel love in your heart and let it blossom.


Friday, December 28, 2018

Last weekend of 2018

Happy Friday everyone! I hope that you have fun plans for this weekend. It’s the last one of 2018. Wesley and I might have made some plans, but we are still fighting off this crud! It seems to take longer and longer the older we get. I think that I’m going to clean a little this morning. I’m getting the house back to normal (whatever normal is). I need to get the Christmas stuff down and boxed up but neither one of us has felt up to go getting the boxes out of storage!

We got rid of the bunk beds and now I just need to get in that room and clean so that I can start stacking up boxes in there. I can’t stand having boxes all around my house. But out of sight, out of mind works for me! I’ve got a few things that I need to do this morning, like bills and making a few phone calls. Then I might just try to tackle the living room. I’ve got my laundry going already. The kitchen has been staying pretty clean between Wesley and I keeping it picked up every day. Of course, it helps that we have been eating leftovers. I’m thinking that I might cook today.

I don’t want to start any new projects. I have one that I need to finish, and Bernice has one that we are going to put together this afternoon. We will see about this idea. If I’m bored, I will start something new. I’m fighting my cigarette addiction and being bored isn’t a good thing for me. I must keep busy. I can’t dwell on it, but I also can’t ignore it either.

Well, I’m going to stop this blog right here and tell you to have a wonderful day. It looks chilly outside, but I see the sun and it is promising to be a beautiful day. I hope that your day is beautiful.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Not doing much today!

Good morning y’all! I’m moving around this morning but very slowly. But at least I am moving. I am going to visit Bernice this morning sometime. I won’t be gone too long because I don’t want to get too tired out. I actually got some sleep last night!!!

I can’t wait to start getting the Christmas stuff taken down and get the house back to normal. It needs a good cleaning. Speaking of cleaning, I haven’t felt up to snuff but I’ve been trying to get the house cleaned up, one thing at a time. For the ones of you with kiddos, do you know how it feels to get one room clean then head to the next one? Then you go back to the first room and find toys and stuff that the kids have drug out and they are sitting in the middle of the mess, smiling up at you. Well, we don’t have any kiddos here, but we do have Lucy and Dilly. This is how I feel with them. Monday, Wesley and I cleaned up the kitchen and I swept the kitchen and bedroom. When I woke up, my room was a disaster and Lucy was sleeping like she innocent! She is so cute.

I think that we have a few boxes left. I’m hoping to start boxing stuff up. I need to call our soon to be landlord. I hate this waiting game. But hopefully, I can start doing my part. And cleaning the house is part of this as well. That may be what is bothering me the most. I also don’t like having boxes laying around. Luckily, we have two rooms that we can fill up and I won’t have to see them everywhere in the house.

I’m going to say that today is a day that the Lord has made, be happy in it!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

They won!

Good Morning All. Yes, it is morning as I start this blog. I have about 20 more minutes of morning. May not be the case when I am finishing it up. I had a wonderful Christmas considering that I wasn’t feeling very well. I didn’t sleep well Christmas Eve night and not feeling well, we decided not to make the trip to Randy’s.๐Ÿ˜ข I really wanted to go. I’m hoping that we can start hanging out a little more.

My BFF invited us to her house so that we wouldn’t have to cook. Thank you, Bernice! You are such a Godsend to me. We came home afterwards and tried to rest but the house in such arrears that it is driving me crazy (which is a short trip).๐Ÿคช So, with both of us (Wesley and myself) not feeling good, we started attempting to clean the house. We did one thing and then had to take a break for an hour then do another 10-minute job and take another hour break!

After realizing that we wouldn’t quit if we stayed home, we called our domino partners up and they were game for a few hands. We went over there for a bit. We only played 2 games and I have to give it to the guys, they won both. Of course, it doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with the fact that I am sick!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ But they did skunk us!

We came home and again, I couldn’t go to sleep. I think that it has something to do with the steroids that I am on right now. I don’t remember them affecting me this way. I can deal with it as long as the medication is working for me. I’m not tired during the day and I’m not taking naps. I not doing too much, just a little here and there.

Well, I hope that your day is going awesome. Go do some ‘after Christmas’ shopping. I would be if I felt better!

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!!!!!

I’m listening to some country Christmas music and missing family. I got to spend the entire weekend at my daughters and that was awesome. I had to share her with her kids, husband, and dad but all was good. When we got there, we got have a bonfire out in the backyard. Hotdogs and s’mores! Eva and Ezra thought that it was the most wonderful thing for about an hour, then maybe not so much fun! ๐Ÿคจ

We ended the night with a game of straight dominoes. The games were so much fun. A lot trash talk going on but that makes it so enjoyable! We are a very competitive group. ๐Ÿ˜œ

Saturday started out wonderful because I slept until 8:00 am which is not heard of when I am at someone else’s house. We cooked all day but not frenzied. We took turns and visited as we were cooking. Tiffany did my nails with these new fandangoed things. They are nail polish that you stick on. They are cool and still holding strong. I will let you know how long they last on me. Eva, Tiffany, and I are all twinsies. We have the same colors on. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

We fixed shrimp dip, fudge, cheese ball, and peppermint bark. We also listened to music and talked. It was awesome. We played some more games Saturday night, and more trash talk!

Sunday morning, I slept in again but when I did get up, I started the celery and scallions. Tiffany had all the food made by HEB. She started warming everything up. I wasn’t sure about having our holiday food made by someone other than us. But I will tell you that I was impressed by the flavor. I don’t know how the price was verses making it, but it was so good. It sure saved on cooking.

We came home Sunday evening. I wasn’t feeling well, and I started feeling worse through the night. Thank goodness my doctor was working a half a day on Christmas Eve. I have a sinus infection. Two shots in the hip and two prescriptions so I should be good in a day or two.

I want to say Merry Christmas to all of you and I hope that you have a wonderful day. Make the best of everyday! Hugs and Kisses coming your way!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Family Christmas 2 more days

Good morning everyone. This is going to be short because I have so much to do. We are leaving for my daughters this afternoon. Our Family Christmas is Sunday! I must pack up our clothes and get my bipap machine ready and get all the food together. On our way out, I need to stop and get some things at the grocery store.
Yesterday I managed to get all the presents wrapped with the help of Mikka. Thank you Mikka! She also made the fudge for me. I got all the cornbread made for dressing. And I made peanut brittle. Mikka’s cousin came over and we made the coconut bonbons, but I need to dip them today.
I hope that all goes as planned today. I will be busy but not overwhelmed! I can do my blog while at my daughters, but I can’t post pictures. I think that this will be an awesome weekend! Here are the pictures of all the blankets.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

1 day at a time

Good morning everyone. I didn’t write yesterday because I was so stressed out. That’s probably should be the days that I want to write the most. My house is topsy turvy and it is driving me crazy! The whole household is excited and anxious which is stressful. Kids are kids and they are excited beyond words. They are doing things that isn’t normal for them. This makes Wesley stressed out and upset. This makes my stress even worse like I don’t have enough. I have my own things going on in my head.

Please God give me a calm spirit and peace. I know that there isn’t anything constant but change and I must adjust to change. Help me keep my sanity through this. It is rougher than I thought, and they are still here. What is going to happen to us when they leave? Will we pull together, or will it rip us apart? We don’t communicate very well. I feel hurt and alone because when I try to talk to him, he either withdraws or shuts me out with anger. He doesn’t see it that was but that is how it makes me feel.

I have all of my blankets completed but now have to wrap them all! Wow, I wasn’t sure that I would get them done. I have pictures of all but one. I will open it back up and take a picture so that I can post a picture of all of them. I’m already thinking about next year. Then I stop and say to myself “Are you crazy? You have enough going on right now, don’t add anything to your own plate.”

Enough stress talk. Are you ready for Christmas? I hope so! There are only 6 more days! I “think” that I have everything done but I am sure that there are things that I am forgetting but I will deal with that one day at a time! Do something festive for yourself today and everyday until Christmas. Don’t let the Christmas blues get to you!

Monday, December 17, 2018

8 days left

Good morning y’all. I hope that your morning is going wonderful. I’m super excited. Christmas is almost here. I am going to celebrate with my family on Sunday, come home and go to Christmas Eve service with my church family, and then I am going to celebrate with my brother Christmas day. So, I will be celebrating from Friday through Tuesday. I will probably need about 5 days to recover from all the celebrating!

We had a good weekend. Santa came yesterday while the kiddos and I was in church. They were beyond excited. Their reactions over their gifts was so touching. The pure joy and innocence that I saw there was heart rendering.

My bff and her husband came and had lunch with us. It was great. We did a little shopping online which is always fun. If I had the money, I think that I could become addicted! We left after that and went to talk to a gentleman about a house that we looked at to rent. I think that we might be moving in a months’ time. It depends on when they get the house completed. They are painting it inside and out. It has a fenced in back yard for Lucy to run in and get some of her energy out. I will also have a sewing room in it. It’s 2 bedrooms with 1 bath. My sewing room is actually the dining room, but I’ll share it with the table because I use my table a lot when I’m sewing. The master bedroom is huge and so is the living room. A fresh start is going to be nice as well as the rent being a lot cheaper.

I hope that you have a wonderful day that you are in the holiday spirit. Remember that for some it can be a depressing time. Reach out to someone and tell them how much you love them!

Just another note: My church is so awesome and makes me feel so loved! Thank you, Austin Street Baptist Church, for just being you!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

9 more days!

 Good morning all. We had a good day. I took the kiddos to the church for their Christmas party. We had a wonderful time. When we got home, I was so tired that I got in bed and slept for four hours. I wonder if I’m a little depressed?? I seem to be tired a lot. I guess that maybe I’m trying to deal with the kids leaving or more like I’m not dealing with it inside my mind. But I don’t want to think about that today.

We have decided to have their Santa today. I’m taking them to church and Wesley is going to stay here. He will put out their gifts and say that Santa made a special trip because they are moving. We were up to midnight wrapping presents. I print off tags with “Santa’s” signature. That’s what we are doing with them today. I’m hoping to get one of my blankets down.

Other than that, we are just going to enjoy the kids today. Don’t forget family, call one up and say that you love them!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

What today holds?

Good morning y’all! I’m a little late getting started this morning. The kids all got up early and Wesley is home today. I have already wrapped the gifts for the kids Christmas party at church. They are excited. The boys are outside playing Frisbee. And Wesley is on his phone (as usual).

We had a good time last night. We took the kids for pizza and to look at Christmas lights. On our way home, we called Karen and Rob to see if we could stop by. So, we did and ended up playing some dominoes. Do you remember when the guys won? Well, we smoked them. We won 3 games out of 4. That was a lot of fun. Karen, we got this. And Rob I’m not bragging about our gaming abilities. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚

I also finished one more blanket and I think that I have enough material to finish the other two. I will work on them this evening. But as I was sewing, look at what Lucy was up to!!!! ๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️ I had forgotten that the kiddos were coming home early so we packed up some more of their stuff. That is hard.

Nope not today, not going to think of it! I hope that you enjoy your day. Give someone your smile today. They may just need it!

A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...