Good morning to everyone this New Years Eve! I was sitting here looking at pictures that I wanted to use in this blog and some things crossed my mind. I am beyond blessed by God. I’ve never had much in my adult life, but I have always had what I needed. And the stuff that I wanted I just hit estate sales! Lol But seriously, God has always provided my needs.
But I am a strange creature. My kids have always said that I am a gypsy because I move around and don’t stay in one place very long. That’s what I have been thinking of this morning. It was never that I didn’t want to stay put in one spot rather I like “new beginnings”. Let me explain: When I move into a new place, I clean it before moving in boxes and I clean stuff as I get it out of the boxes. I take my time looking around to find the ‘right place’ for my stuff. When I am done with a room, I look and feel such a sense of pride.
When the house is complete, it’s beautiful to me, it’s clean to me, and it feels like a fresh new start! I also believe that the New Year gives us that same thing a new start. I try to feel that way every day, but I don’t always make it.
So maybe this year, instead of doing your normal, try looking at the New Year as a fresh start that YOU get to write. Not all days are going to be great, but it can be whatever you want it to be. If all days were great, we wouldn’t appreciate them as much. Wake up every morning with a joyful heart and thank God for allowing you to wake up! Make plans to do things even if it is just in your house. Reach out to people just because! Give someone your smile, they might just need it. Feel love in your heart and let it blossom.