My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Monday, December 17, 2018

8 days left

Good morning y’all. I hope that your morning is going wonderful. I’m super excited. Christmas is almost here. I am going to celebrate with my family on Sunday, come home and go to Christmas Eve service with my church family, and then I am going to celebrate with my brother Christmas day. So, I will be celebrating from Friday through Tuesday. I will probably need about 5 days to recover from all the celebrating!

We had a good weekend. Santa came yesterday while the kiddos and I was in church. They were beyond excited. Their reactions over their gifts was so touching. The pure joy and innocence that I saw there was heart rendering.

My bff and her husband came and had lunch with us. It was great. We did a little shopping online which is always fun. If I had the money, I think that I could become addicted! We left after that and went to talk to a gentleman about a house that we looked at to rent. I think that we might be moving in a months’ time. It depends on when they get the house completed. They are painting it inside and out. It has a fenced in back yard for Lucy to run in and get some of her energy out. I will also have a sewing room in it. It’s 2 bedrooms with 1 bath. My sewing room is actually the dining room, but I’ll share it with the table because I use my table a lot when I’m sewing. The master bedroom is huge and so is the living room. A fresh start is going to be nice as well as the rent being a lot cheaper.

I hope that you have a wonderful day that you are in the holiday spirit. Remember that for some it can be a depressing time. Reach out to someone and tell them how much you love them!

Just another note: My church is so awesome and makes me feel so loved! Thank you, Austin Street Baptist Church, for just being you!

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