My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Cloudy day

Good morning to everyone. I can’t believe that I slept this late. I didn’t wake up until 9 am. But in my defense, I do have an excuse. You are not going to believe what my hubby wanted to do last night. He slept from about 5:30 to 10:00 and then went to watch tv with the kiddos. I was playing mindless games on my computer. Pheby came into the bedroom and said that Papa was hungry and wanted to go to Denny’s. I didn’t comment. A few minutes later, Nick came in and said that Papa wanted to go to IHOP. Really? It was 11:00 pm. What is he thinking? So, at 11:30, all of us loaded in my car and headed to IHOP for Grinch pancakes, hot chocolate, chocolate milk, and eggs. We didn’t get home and back in bed until 2:00 am. How crazy is that? But secretly, it was fun!

I think that today, we will wrap some presents and put them under the tree. I am a little iffy about doing it because that is where Dilly and Lucy like to play! I am also going to work on the blankets. Here are some that I have completed. I have finished a couple more but haven’t ironed them yet. Let’s see how many I can get done today.

I hope that you stay warm and have a wonderful day.

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