My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Friday, December 7, 2018

Another December Day!

Good morning everyone. We have 18 days until Christmas but who’s counting? I am. I have 3 blankets in boxes and 2 more to iron before I put them in boxes. I have one on the quilting frame to finish tying. Bernice has 2 that I think just needs to be ironed. Tomorrow, I will get the material out to start some more. It doesn’t take long to sew them together so next week will probably be busy.

I am so proud of my youngest son. I’m not sure that he even knows what has been going through his head but him and his girlfriend are trying to work things out. They have 2 children together. Relationships are so hard. They take work, or you become distant from each other. Sometimes life gets in the way. Justin and Connie, you two are not the only ones who go through things. Finding common ground is hard but very important. Somewhere that it can be just the two of you. I know that is hard when you have 2 kiddos that need attention, but your relationship needs attention too.

I’m talking from experience because Wesley and I struggle in this area. We are trying to figure it out as well. All I know is that I love him and want this to work. There are some simple things that we are trying and at first, they seemed silly. But now, I can see that it is the little things that mean a lot to me.

I got Lucy a sweater yesterday. I don’t think that she likes it very much but oh well. I’ve got a busy day. Bubba and Nick have counseling this morning and then I must be in Lockhart for a meeting at 11. Luckily, there are leftovers for tonight. I’m not sure what we will do but whatever it is, we will do it together as a family.

I hope that you have a wonderful Friday. I am planning on having one too even if I’m going to be on the road all morning.


  1. Lucy will get use to it. And be careful outside it’s ra ☔️ and ugly day !God bless you all !

    1. You too. Welcome to Texas weather during winter!
      Love you bunches


A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...