My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

They won!

Good Morning All. Yes, it is morning as I start this blog. I have about 20 more minutes of morning. May not be the case when I am finishing it up. I had a wonderful Christmas considering that I wasn’t feeling very well. I didn’t sleep well Christmas Eve night and not feeling well, we decided not to make the trip to Randy’s.😢 I really wanted to go. I’m hoping that we can start hanging out a little more.

My BFF invited us to her house so that we wouldn’t have to cook. Thank you, Bernice! You are such a Godsend to me. We came home afterwards and tried to rest but the house in such arrears that it is driving me crazy (which is a short trip).🤪 So, with both of us (Wesley and myself) not feeling good, we started attempting to clean the house. We did one thing and then had to take a break for an hour then do another 10-minute job and take another hour break!

After realizing that we wouldn’t quit if we stayed home, we called our domino partners up and they were game for a few hands. We went over there for a bit. We only played 2 games and I have to give it to the guys, they won both. Of course, it doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with the fact that I am sick!😂🤣 But they did skunk us!

We came home and again, I couldn’t go to sleep. I think that it has something to do with the steroids that I am on right now. I don’t remember them affecting me this way. I can deal with it as long as the medication is working for me. I’m not tired during the day and I’m not taking naps. I not doing too much, just a little here and there.

Well, I hope that your day is going awesome. Go do some ‘after Christmas’ shopping. I would be if I felt better!

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