My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Monday, December 10, 2018

English lesson?

Good morning my friends! I’m only on my 2nd cup of coffee so I am not responsible for what I type. LOL I have no outside appointments this week, so I will get a chance to work on my blankets. That is if I can get myself moving in the mornings. I have about 7 gifts that I need to wrap just sitting on my bedroom floor. Hoping to get that done today. I think that I will go over to Bernice’s today. I haven’t gone over there in a while and she’s going to be home today. I also need to work on Christmas cards. I don’t know when I will get to that but not today.

Is anyone else as busy as me? Every year, I tell myself that I am going to get everything done early. I am finished buying gifts. I just have some left to make. But there always seems like something comes up that I’m not able to do everything that I want to do. This year, I’m stressing over a decision that we made. Part of me wonders if I made the decision out of selfless or selfish reasons. I second guess myself a lot. It’s something that comes natural to me. Then it seems as if I ask others just so that I feel better.

I need to start getting stuff ready to go over to Bernice’s house. I need to take all her quilt stuff. I need to print off a pattern for her so that she can sew it together. I’m trying to think of what else I need to take. I need to take her iron that she loaned me. I think that I am going to take some of the panels to see if she has material to match.

I hope that you have a wonderful day. Give your smile to someone, they may need it! And don’t forget to do one thing for yourself!

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