My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Friday, December 28, 2018

Last weekend of 2018

Happy Friday everyone! I hope that you have fun plans for this weekend. It’s the last one of 2018. Wesley and I might have made some plans, but we are still fighting off this crud! It seems to take longer and longer the older we get. I think that I’m going to clean a little this morning. I’m getting the house back to normal (whatever normal is). I need to get the Christmas stuff down and boxed up but neither one of us has felt up to go getting the boxes out of storage!

We got rid of the bunk beds and now I just need to get in that room and clean so that I can start stacking up boxes in there. I can’t stand having boxes all around my house. But out of sight, out of mind works for me! I’ve got a few things that I need to do this morning, like bills and making a few phone calls. Then I might just try to tackle the living room. I’ve got my laundry going already. The kitchen has been staying pretty clean between Wesley and I keeping it picked up every day. Of course, it helps that we have been eating leftovers. I’m thinking that I might cook today.

I don’t want to start any new projects. I have one that I need to finish, and Bernice has one that we are going to put together this afternoon. We will see about this idea. If I’m bored, I will start something new. I’m fighting my cigarette addiction and being bored isn’t a good thing for me. I must keep busy. I can’t dwell on it, but I also can’t ignore it either.

Well, I’m going to stop this blog right here and tell you to have a wonderful day. It looks chilly outside, but I see the sun and it is promising to be a beautiful day. I hope that your day is beautiful.

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