My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

This, no this!

Good morning. I’m a little late writing this. I made myself sit down and work on Christmas cards. I got through the first box and was going to start on the second and to my surprise, they are Spanish Christmas cards. Sometimes I am such a ditz. But on the good side, I did get 24 done! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I’m sitting here listening to Country Christmas songs trying to get myself in the mood for working on the blankets. I only have 4-5 to do. I don’t have to worry about dinner because we have left overs. I fried fish with French fries and hushpuppies. I haven’t had fried fish in a long while. I usually bake it because it is so much better for you. ๐Ÿคจ

But it is a little hard to get in the mood to do anything when your house is dirty. If I go clean the living room, I won’t have enough energy to sew. Of course, sitting here isn’t going to help me get anything done. Maybe I can just sit here and just complain about my choices. NOT

I’m not sure what I am going to do but I am going to get started on something. I will let you know tomorrow what I actually do. I hope that you have better luck in making decisions than I am having today! Hugs to everyone.

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