My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

20 More Days!

Good morning y’all. Oh wow, it’s been four days since I have written. I’ve been letting my mind override me! I’ve been overwhelmed with everything going on. I’ve noticed that I am forgetting things that normally I wouldn’t forget. I guess it is that time of year. Today is going to be busy with sewing and ironing. I don’t want to test my theory about working better under pressure. It is three weeks until Christmas and I have so much that I still need to do. I’m not worried yet. If I make myself sit down and work on it, I’ll have it done in a week.

I enjoyed yesterday. Bernice and I went looking around Walmart. Spent a little more money than we should have. She bought me lunch. And I took her to the eye doctor. All in all, it was a wonderful day. We haven’t had the opportunity to do this in a while. I am hoping that our crazy lives get a little simpler. Maybe that could be a New Years resolution! Probably not! Teehee

There are some things going on that I am not free to share yet. I wish that I could because it is a part of the reason that I feel overwhelmed. As soon as I can share it, I will. When I share on here, I feel better. I wish that some of you would share on here as well. I know how it feels when you think that no one understands what you are going through. I’m not saying that I can help you but maybe just letting it out will make you feel better.

I can promise that there is no judgement from me. I wouldn’t want anyone to judge me! I know that it is our tendency to judge but I’ve been judged all my life and it is hard on people. I truly believe there is only one judge and I will face Him one day. Thank you, God, for your grace and mercy. Without it, I would be in soooo much trouble.

I hope that you have a wonderful day and that you do at least one thing for yourself.

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