My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

A typical day

Good morning y’all. I’m on my first cup of coffee sitting here wondering what I want to write about. I thought that I would just start typing and see where it takes me. My hubby helped me put the rocking chair together. I have a little touch up to do and I want to put another coat of polyurethane to protect it from a 3-year-old, if that is possible.

I’m super excited about going and getting two of my grandchildren tomorrow. My bff, Bernice and I are going to Joann’s in Round Rock and we will stop by and pick them up on our way home. They are such a delight for me. They are so full of wonder and excitement that it is contagious. I don’t know what we are going to do this weekend, but it will be fun. I think that I will suggest that Papa needs his toenails polished! (teehee) I have done this in the past and he is such a good sport.

The reason that I want to go to Joann’s is because I need to start on the throws that I want to make for Christmas. I know that some of you think that it is too early, but I have 21 to make. I even ordered a little Christmas already. It’s on three months away and the days are flying by so fast that I’m afraid that it will get here, and I haven’t done anything.

As I have told you, we have three of our grandchildren living here and the youngest is nine. I get so angry sometimes at his parents. That baby broke down last night. I held him as he cried. He is angry and not sure what to do with the anger. Today, he has counseling and he asked if I would come in with him. Of course, I said that I would. He was so lost last night. I can’t make it all go away but I hope that I can make him feel secure with us. Everything that he ever knew is gone. My heart just broke into pieces last night as I held him, and he cried.

I took a little road trip with Lucy. We took hubby some lunch. That was an experience – a beagle in the car with food. When I left out there, I took her to the vet. She weighs 16.9 and loosing some of her baby teeth. She sure didn’t like being held down for the thermometer or the shots. When I got her home, she was sore all evening. But she is back to her normal onry self this morning. There seems to be more days where she is sweet and gentle but of course, she is still a puppy.

I’m going to stop writing for now. I hope that you have a wonderful day and that you do something that you enjoy. I challenge you today to give your smile to everyone you meet and see how many smile back! I love doing that, it is fun to see people smile.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Good morning everyone. My morning is going slow. I can’t believe that it is almost 11 and I haven’t accomplished anything yet. I don’t like to discuss politics and I’m not actually going to. But this is what has brought this subject to mind for me.

I'm pretty sure that most of you know who President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, is. And what he is being accused of. There are two accusations and they are being made by Christine Ford and Deborah Ramirez. The first thing that I notice is that the media is using Christine's middle name on everything just like they do with murders (i.e. John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald) Geez, that is harsh in my eyes. 

I looked up the statistics on rape. It is alarming how many don’t get reported and of the few that do, how many actually get prosecuted. Not just women but men as well. For today’s blog, I’m going to concentrate on women. I’m not going to bore you with all the statistical information because you can look it up yourself. I will say that I find it so extremely sad how women are treated.

Is it any wonder that so many women never even report it? This is the way that I look at it. First off, you get raped. You are traumatized and sometimes brutalized. So, you decide to go to the cops and report it. It is their job to get every detail so that they can go after the rapist. This alone seems like it would be extremely brutal, telling a complete stranger details of what happened to you. For evidence reasons, then they want to go get an exam by a SANE nurse. I don’t know that I could go through something like that now much less when I was younger. They have to get as much proof and evidence as possible. After all of this, if the prosecutor does decide to try and convict the rapist, the “victim” has to possibly endure a defense attorney attacking every aspect of their life. Now, I don’t know about you, but I definitely wouldn’t want someone digging into my life to pull up dirt on me because most of us have some kind of dirt in our past.

Some would say that she should have reported it long ago. Maybe she should have, but that was her choice. I think that she is brave in doing so now, knowing that the media and public figures would be skeptical and down right mean to her. And as women, you would think that we would be more compassionate to each other. But you have women that feel no empathy and have never been in that situation and they are so critical of others and so quick to judge. I think that it is very brave to face the world with such a private issue. She saw a man who had raped her possibly becoming a Supreme Court Judge and come forward (with no benefit to herself) and says: hey, this man is not fit to be a judge! That is strength beyond words.

Rant over. I hope that you have a wonderful day!

Monday, September 24, 2018

Fall is here!

Good wonderful Monday morning! I’ve been busy this morning. I didn’t wake up until 7:30. We left and went to the hardware store to get screws for the rocker. After that I went and put money on our card so that I can pay the bills. We finished with washing the car and vacuuming it out. Now we are home and about to eat lunch. After lunch, I am going to put the polyurethane on the rocker and fix the seat the way that I want it and put the screws back in. I will show you some of my progress. I don’t think that I will get it completed today because I want to let it dry completely.


I feel as if I have accomplished a lot today. I still have more to do. I still need to figure out what to have for dinner. What to have??? Some days I get so tired of trying to figure out something different to fix. I want to fix something nutritious but what? Dang, I’ll figure it out in a little bit.

This weekend was a laid back one. We didn’t do a whole lot, but it sure felt good to be lazy. Tonight, our favorite show comes back on, The Voice. I have already informed my family and friends that we are unavailable from 7-9 😊. It also comes on Tuesday but only from 7-8. Then I will be unavailable on Wednesday from 7-10 because all the Chicago shows come on. I am super excited about that. Luckily, we have DVR because of NCIS, NCIS New Orleans, Good Doctor, and Blue Bloods. And of course, my hubby always tapes wrestling.

Well I am going to stop typing and actually start being productive.  😉

Friday, September 21, 2018

Hodge Podge!

Happy Friday Everyone! I woke up to coffee this morning. My hubby was so sweet to have coffee ready and made me a cup when I sat down with him. Thank you, Hun!

Yesterday turned out pretty good. I made a batch of peanut brittle for Bernice and took it to her when she got home. I gave her that and this little mason jar that I made into a scarecrow for her birthday.

My husband came home and told me that Red Lobster had the endless shrimp going on. So, we have plans to go this evening. I’m super excited because shrimp is my favorite food of all time. I will tell you how that goes.

I have been thinking a lot about my parents. They were good people and always gave me the best advise but I was so rebellious that I wouldn’t listen. As a matter of fact, I usually did opposite of what they suggested. My life would have been so much easier if I had just listened.

As a parent and a grandmother, I can understand my parents’ frustrations. Not so much with my children but more with the grandkids that live with us. The 14-year-old is in juvenile detention and is going to have to go to a special boy’s home where hopefully he will get the help that he needs. We told him that the choices that he was making were going to put him where he is now. He stole from the school and us. We caught him looking at porn. He never received the counseling when he was sexually molested when he was 6. They just never talked about it like it would just magically disappear.

I understand that it is a hard subject to talk about. It’s uncomfortable and stressful. But just imagine how a little six-year-old feels. Their little minds can’t process that all by themselves. Heck, I would have a hard time processing it and I am 51. The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

And two of the other grandchildren have some learning disabilities. We have talked about it and they receive special help, but they must make the initiative. Having a disability doesn’t mean that you don’t have to try. When you have a disability, you must figure out how to work around it. It’s not an excuse to not try. I have some physical disabilities. It’s hard for me to do some things but I try and figure out how to do them instead of just saying “I can do it”.

So, I have a challenge to everyone: Do something today that previously you have said that you couldn’t do! When you get it done, you will feel such a feeling of accomplishment. Don’t let others do for you what you can do for yourself and if you need help, ask for it.

I hope that you have a wonderful day!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Happy Birthday My Friend!

Good morning all! How are you? I’m doing great this morning. The first thing that I want to do is wish my bff, Bernice, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It’s so nice to be 29 again 😉! I hope that you have the best day ever.

I am going to take a cake to the church this morning. There is a funeral and I was asked to bring a dessert. I also made one for here. I think that the family would have fired me if I hadn’t. It is one of my hubby’s favorite cakes. It’s a yellow cake with a pineapple filling and whip cream for icing.

After I take the cake, I’m going to my friend’s house, Karen. I’m so excited, she has some goodies for me. I might be coming home with a couple of boxes of crafting things to add to my collection.

When I leave Karen’s house, I will be going to Bernice’s! She is coming home today for some well-deserved rest. I plan on going to spend a little time with her for her birthday and then leave so that she can rest.

And my intentions for Friday is to start sanding on the rocking chair. I’ll have to take my fan outside because it is still so hot. Hopefully it won’t be too bad since I am planning on starting on it early in the morning. I know that I want to get the seat sanded first because if it starts getting too hot, I can come in and still work on it. I need to pick out the material that I am going to put on the seat.

I hope that you have an awesome day. Do something nice for yourself! It is not selfish to do something for yourself, it is self care!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

😁 More and More Pictures

Good morning y’all. I woke up thinking about family and friends. Is it the wedding this weekend or is it that Bernice’s mom being in the hospital? Or is it both? I’m not sure. My mind wonders to my mom and dad. I’m the same age that my mom was when she died. I think about how that is too young to die. I think how she would have loved seeing how big our family has become. I also know that she would be sad about how far apart we all are!

It takes effort to make time for each other. Life is busy. We fill our days and weeks with appointments and meetings. It’s difficult to fit in time for each other because you are working with everyone’s schedule. Oh well, I can’t have everything my way!


So, I am going to post some more pictures of our weekend. I am wanting to rent a house there next summer for about 5 days, I will be looking into that.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Bernice and her family today. Mom is having surgery today.

Monday, September 17, 2018

😜 Just a few pictures!

Good afternoon everyone! I am home but so whooped. The house we stayed in this weekend was so cool. The only thing that I didn’t like was that the kitchen and living area was on the second floor. It was the same for the house that my brother was in and the wedding was on the second floor. So, we walked a lot of stairs. My body sure tells me that I’m not used to walking that many stairs!

My bff Bernice got to go with us. I had such a fun time with her. It made for an interesting weekend. She is crazy like me. My husband had his hands full having to put up with us! Poor man! She was also such a help to me. We made egg/hashbrown casserole, shrimp dip, and tartar sauce.

My brother was so calm before the wedding. How is that possible? Getting married is such a nerve wrecking experience. But it was a beautiful wedding. Very simple while elegant at the same time. The pastor kept it quick and very graceful. I truly enjoyed seeing my niece and nephew, Robyn and Blake.

On Sunday, we packed the car and headed to the beach. We splashed and played in the water then the kiddos hunted seashells. We went up to the outdoor showers and rinsed off and then changed clothes. After this, we went and found a nice little restaurant on the strip. They had reallllllly goooood food!

It was also at this time that Bernice got a call that her mom was in the ER in Cuero. And before we could finish our meal, Bernice found out that the ER was going to have her mom taken to Methodist Hospital in San Antonio. So, we go to San Antonio and drop her off at the hospital. On the way home, we took the kids the IHOP for dinner. We finally got home at 9:00. So today has been a day that I haven’t wanted to do anything. So exhausted.

I will write more tomorrow. I hope that your day is wonderful. I have to get ready to cook supper and for the kiddos to get home. Remember that you are beautiful.

A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...