My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Hodge Podge!

Happy Friday Everyone! I woke up to coffee this morning. My hubby was so sweet to have coffee ready and made me a cup when I sat down with him. Thank you, Hun!

Yesterday turned out pretty good. I made a batch of peanut brittle for Bernice and took it to her when she got home. I gave her that and this little mason jar that I made into a scarecrow for her birthday.

My husband came home and told me that Red Lobster had the endless shrimp going on. So, we have plans to go this evening. I’m super excited because shrimp is my favorite food of all time. I will tell you how that goes.

I have been thinking a lot about my parents. They were good people and always gave me the best advise but I was so rebellious that I wouldn’t listen. As a matter of fact, I usually did opposite of what they suggested. My life would have been so much easier if I had just listened.

As a parent and a grandmother, I can understand my parents’ frustrations. Not so much with my children but more with the grandkids that live with us. The 14-year-old is in juvenile detention and is going to have to go to a special boy’s home where hopefully he will get the help that he needs. We told him that the choices that he was making were going to put him where he is now. He stole from the school and us. We caught him looking at porn. He never received the counseling when he was sexually molested when he was 6. They just never talked about it like it would just magically disappear.

I understand that it is a hard subject to talk about. It’s uncomfortable and stressful. But just imagine how a little six-year-old feels. Their little minds can’t process that all by themselves. Heck, I would have a hard time processing it and I am 51. The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

And two of the other grandchildren have some learning disabilities. We have talked about it and they receive special help, but they must make the initiative. Having a disability doesn’t mean that you don’t have to try. When you have a disability, you must figure out how to work around it. It’s not an excuse to not try. I have some physical disabilities. It’s hard for me to do some things but I try and figure out how to do them instead of just saying “I can do it”.

So, I have a challenge to everyone: Do something today that previously you have said that you couldn’t do! When you get it done, you will feel such a feeling of accomplishment. Don’t let others do for you what you can do for yourself and if you need help, ask for it.

I hope that you have a wonderful day!

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