My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Never forget your beginnings

Good morning all! I hope that y’all had a wonderful night. I slept until 7:00 this morning so my day is already starting out awesome. I wanted to share a couple of things that I have gotten done this week. Things that I have been telling you that I was going to do for almost two months. YEAH! I also got the rocking chair apart and now I just need to start sanding on it and redo it. I’m super excited about doing it. I have such a cool vision of how I want it done.

Today is another day that we are going to San Antonio. My hubby has a follow-up for the procedure that he had done on his eye. I am just about tired of going to San Antonio. I wish we had an eye doctor on our insurance that was closer.

Yesterday I wrote about my experience with drugs and prison. Today, I want to talk about what it took to start over. My family didn’t offer to help, and I wasn’t going to ask for help. There were people that helped along the way but for the most part, I did it with the help of my kids. My daughter was living on her own and going to school and working. She picked me up and allowed me to stay with her. I only had the clothes on my back and my CDL. I had to go to a church in the town she lived in and ask for help. The pastor ran a little garage sale kind of thing out of the back of the church. He allowed me to get five sets of work clothes and he had a pair of work boots that would fit me.

I got all my information together and headed out to look for a job. I think that I had a job within a week. I started working at a cement plant, driving a tanker. About this time, my son wanted to come live with me. Tiffany helped me get into a trailer. Danny and I hit garage sales to get a few things in our new house. Slowly but surely, we started getting things for our house. Roman noodles and leg quarters were our staple food. I was able to pay Tiffany back for all that she did for me and I think that I paid with interest πŸ˜‰. There was so much that I worried about. There were many nights that I would worry about whether or not I would have enough food or if I would be able to pay the bills.

I worked a lot of hours and made as much overtime as I could. I was finally able to buy an old truck. I worked enough to provide for us and to keep food on the table. There were days that I was so exhausted that I wanted to just drop onto my bed when I got home. I have to say that my son was awesome. He never got into trouble and he would keep the house for me.

If it weren’t for my kids, I don’t know where I would be. It was their belief in me and their help that I was able to do what I did. Even though I had done what I did, they never gave up on me! God sure blessed me with some awesome kids. They were all that I had at that time and they were more than enough for me. I will never be able to thank them for everything they did nor will I ever be able to apologize enough for putting them through what I did.

Tiffany and Danny, I love you beyond what words could say!


A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...