My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Getting Ready

Beautiful morning to all. I woke up to coffee and my hubby smiling. Let me tell you that Lucy has grown so much. She is already so spoiled. She thinks that she needs to sit on my feet, whether I am sitting down at my computer, standing at the stove, or sitting on the toilet. 😉 We put her in bed at night and she starts out by our knees but if we try to get close, she squirms her way up to put her head on our pillows and her body under the covers, just like she is human.

Today is a day of preparation. I am going to Victoria to get a mani and pedi. I am hoping to go to Walmart to get the groceries that we need and try to pick out some shoes for Wesley. I spoke with Randy yesterday and I got the biggest kick out of him. He was a little timid about asking but finally did, he wants me to make my shrimp dip. Of course, I will. I am also going to try to make some peanut brittle because that is his favorite candy that I make. I am kind of touched that he likes these things that I make and that he would want them at this special occasion.

The weather isn’t looking very good for our weekend. There is a tropical depression that is coming into Texas area. We aren’t sure exactly where it is coming in, but it will make for an interesting weekend. There are so many tropical storms out there right now. I am concerned about everyone that is in the path of Hurricane Florence. She looks huge and can cause so much damage. I hope that everyone is hunkered down and stays safe. Our prayers are with you!

Today, I am thankful for so many things. But I’m going to tell you five things that I am thankful for:

     1.   That God allowed me to wake up
     2.   That God allowed me to get out of bed without help
     3.   That I have an awesome family
     4.   For my wonderful hubby
     5.   For all of our beautiful grandchildren

   Now I challenge each of you to think of at least five things that you are thankful for and see if that doesn’t help you have a better morning! Hugs and Kisses to all!


A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...