My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Friday, September 7, 2018

My Love

Good morning all! I wanted to take today to tell you about my awesome husband, Wesley. We met 10-11 years ago. I started driving a pneumatic tanker for the same company that he worked for. About a year after that he trained me on how to drive and operate a cement truck. Driving a cement truck is so different than driving any other truck. He was so patient with me.

He was going through a rough time in his life and we became friends. By this time, I had been single for a long time and planned to stay that way. After he got his divorce, he brought the divorce papers up to work and put them on the desk in front of me and said “Now, will you date me?” We continued to get closer.

We went on a cruise to celebrate my daughter’s graduation from college. On this cruise, we had the best time. For us, it was like nobody existed but us. One day on the deck, he proposed to me. And I said yes. We hurried to tell my daughter. I think that she was almost as surprised as me.

When we got back to Galveston, one of my best friends picked us up. I think that Sister Carol was more excited than I was. 😊 She was so helpful with preparations for the wedding. As a matter of fact, Sister Carol, Sister Pat, and Sister Delong pretty much planned our wedding! It was so awesome.

I got really sick right after we got married. Wesley never left my side. He was there when I was intubated, he was there when they told him that I wouldn’t make it, and he prayed over me. And when I left the hospital a month later, he was there to help me walk. He bathed me, combed my hair, cooked for me, and for all of this, I will never forget what he has done for me.

My health has been touch and go through the almost 9 years that we have been married. And each time, he has been there to step up to the plate. If I have ever needed something, he always makes sure that I have it, no matter the cost. I could never repay him for all that he has done.

This is the man that I want to grow old with. God brought him to me at a time in my life that I truly needed someone.



A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...