My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Happy Birthday My Friend!

Good morning all! How are you? I’m doing great this morning. The first thing that I want to do is wish my bff, Bernice, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It’s so nice to be 29 again šŸ˜‰! I hope that you have the best day ever.

I am going to take a cake to the church this morning. There is a funeral and I was asked to bring a dessert. I also made one for here. I think that the family would have fired me if I hadn’t. It is one of my hubby’s favorite cakes. It’s a yellow cake with a pineapple filling and whip cream for icing.

After I take the cake, I’m going to my friend’s house, Karen. I’m so excited, she has some goodies for me. I might be coming home with a couple of boxes of crafting things to add to my collection.

When I leave Karen’s house, I will be going to Bernice’s! She is coming home today for some well-deserved rest. I plan on going to spend a little time with her for her birthday and then leave so that she can rest.

And my intentions for Friday is to start sanding on the rocking chair. I’ll have to take my fan outside because it is still so hot. Hopefully it won’t be too bad since I am planning on starting on it early in the morning. I know that I want to get the seat sanded first because if it starts getting too hot, I can come in and still work on it. I need to pick out the material that I am going to put on the seat.

I hope that you have an awesome day. Do something nice for yourself! It is not selfish to do something for yourself, it is self care!!!

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