My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Good wonderful morning. I hope that you woke up with a beautiful attitude today. I know that I did. I’m feeling better this morning and am ready to face the world. I am working on my third cup of coffee! Isn’t that awesome?

I feel rejuvenated this morning. I think that I am going to sew today. I need to do some crafts today. It’s been a while and it is calming most of the time. I’ve been thinking about Danny this morning. Remembering things from his childhood. Here a few stories that I remember:

Before he was born, we had a cat named Lucky. The cat belonged to my daughter who was 3. Lucky would play some with Tiffany but would scratch her if she got too rough. She would lay on my belly most of the time. When Danny was born, a lot of people told me to get rid of her because she would “steal a baby’s breath away.” Lucky would get in his crib and sleep at the opposite side as him. I never once saw her close to his face. She would wake me up when Danny started crying. She would also lay close enough to Danny to allow him to pull her hair. It was crazy the things that she would do for him. Lucky acted like Danny was her baby.

We had 2 potbelly pigs that were on the wild side. We lived in the country and the kids had free rein to play outside. The kiddos had been warned not to go in the pen with the pigs but we all know how that went. I looked out the kitchen window and there he was in the pen and feeding them the corn that his dad had in the garage! The fear in me was so strong and after I got him out, I couldn’t even bring myself to spank him for it.

One day, I took him to work with me. I worked by the Brazos River and he was in Jr. High. He took his fishing pole and went fishing. Every so often I would walk out the door to check on him or he would come in to check on me. Later in the afternoon, I heard a knock on the door. I went to open it and got greeted by a long snake on a stick. It was a water moccasin. I screamed, and he laughed. He had caught it on his fishing pole. And I am really scared of snakes.

Theses are just a few stories about him and animals. He loves animals and most animals love him! I love him so much and it is fun thinking of all the things we did. It’s so hard when they grow up and have lives of their own.But that is what we want is for them to be independent and self-supporting and happy. I am so proud of all that he has accomplished in his life. I LOVE YOU, DANNY!

I’m going stop writing and going down memory lane. I hope that y’all have a wonderful day.

Please feel free to comment below. If you have any ideas for this blog. I am open to suggestions. As a matter of fact, I'm begging for ideas. 

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