My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Good morning everyone. How did your day go yesterday? Not quiet the way that you wanted? Just know that today is a new day and you are Blessed to have woken up to such a beautiful day. I’m not sure of what I am going to do today. I know that I have a doctor’s appointment to check on what they did surgery on last week. The appointment is for noon, but I would lay odds that they will call me around 9:30 to come on in.

Do you ever just get tired of cooking the same old thing? I do, and I can’t seem to use my imagination to come up with something new. So, I start looking for something new and then end up just cooking something “normal”. My problem with new recipes is that they always have something in them that I don’t like. I am very picky. I don’t like most veggies that are good for you. I like all the comfort foods and that is what I stick with.

 I am super excited about tomorrow, I am getting my youngest grandson. His mommy is weaning him from breastfeeding and is going to stay the weekend with us to start it. That is the way we did with his big sister and I think it worked like a charm. I think that it is more like weaning mommy. Isn’t he just a doll? Such a handsome little guy! And he is so good natured, and he loves his Papa and Nona.
School starts next Monday, and I am not ready yet. I don’t know how we are going to do this, but I know that we will manage. We always do. I haven’t gotten any school supplies or school clothes. We will have to start with the essentials and work from that.

I hope that all of y’all have a wonderful day!


  1. Good morning beautiful keep your head up God will provide I sad I won’t see you today but you are always in my prayers and I can help u a little just let me know if there is a way we will find it if anything I can sell my body to science!!!lol

    1. lol, you are such a nut my friend! Maybe we should sell my body to science, I have the a lot of new "parts" lol


A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...