My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

There Is Sunshine After The Rain

Good morning! I hope that your day has started out wonderfully. Mine has been great. My hubby made me coffee this morning. We had a few minutes to talk with each other. I’m hoping that my whole day goes great. I am going to go drink coffee with my bff Bernice. After that we are coming back here and do some sewing. I’m hoping that my neighbor Mikka joins us. It’s been a while since we have gotten together, and I miss them!

They read my blog yesterday and said that it made them sad. Writing what I did wasn’t to make anyone sad or feel sorry for me. For me, it was a show of strength and hope. I’m not a perfectionist (giggle) but I reread it and there were so many things that I should have said. I made it out of it! There are some who can’t find the strength to get out. My prayers and thoughts are with them. It’s a tough situation. And you never come out without scars (external or internal). I just want anyone in that situation to know that YOU CAN DO IT!

I am hoping to finish the binding on the baby quilt so that I can work on finishing one of my other projects. I have three projects that I am working on currently. I think that I can finish up two of them today. I really need to start working on Christmas presents. Oh, I actually have four projects. Dang, I had better start getting busy! Mine are not this beautiful YET!

 I think that I am going to make throws for all the grandkids this year. I must wait because the minky fabric is expensive. But I got a coupon for 50% off one cut of fabric from Joann’s. 

I thought that I would close today with some beautiful pictures!

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