My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

To Do

Good morning everyone! I hope that your morning is going great. Mine is going pretty well. I have so much to do that I am not sure which end is up. I had some important calls to make and now I’m just waiting for a call back from a couple. I have been going through paperwork that I should have gone through last month! Eeeek….  And there is one piece of mail that I know has been in my stuff for about a month but now is missing. I know that I received it about six weeks ago and I looked for it 3 weeks ago and it was there. I looked this morning and it is gone. Doesn’t that just frustrate you when you do things like that? It does me! Y’all probably don’t procrastinate like me.

This verse came up in my bible today. I thought that I would share it with you. Proverbs 18:21 “The tongue can bring death or life.” I know that for me this verse says a lot. I think that most people don’t realize the damage that their words cause. I know I sometimes must watch what I say because I don’t want to hurt someone. I try to think about how it would make me feel. The hardest time that I have watching my tongue is when I am angry and that is when it can be the most harmful to someone especially to the ones that we love.

I’m dealing with so much right now that I am getting frustrated easily. I know that I don’t work outside the home, but I always have something that I need to do for someone or somewhere that I need to go for someone or plans I must schedule for someone. And the list goes on and on. And then when I can’t do something because I have other plans, I’m expected to “fix” it so that I can do everything. I’m just tired. I’m overwhelmed with everything at this time. But then it’s like “well, why are you tired, you just sit home all day.” REALLY?

Ok, I’m going to stop being negative and start on my “to do list” again. See if I can accomplish something. I will have a wonderful day and I hope that you will too! I will be imagining myself right here:


A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...