My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Good afternoon! Shoot, it’s almost evening. I started this blog this morning and this is what I had written when I had to leave: “Good morning all. I made it through a very stressful day. I slept like a baby last night which was sorely needed. Today is going to be a recuperating day. I’m not planning on doing much. I am going to play with Lucy, spend time with the grandchildren, eat, and cook dinner for my family. We went to church last night and I felt that the sermon was for me! I don’t usually go on Wednesdays, but I needed a recharge!” 

meet Lucy
It turned out to not be a recuperating day. I had a doctor appointment at noon. They called me around 9:30 and asked me to come on in. So, I put everything down and drove to the doctor. The doctor wanted me to have surgery right away to remove the abscess. Besides diabetes, I have a lot of other medical issues. Because of this, the small hospital in our town didn’t want to put me to sleep here. So now I must be in Victoria at 5:30 in the morning. So, I won’t get to write in the morning either. I think that I should be able tomorrow evening.

And even with all of this, my day was still great.

Well, I’m going to make this short and say good bye. 

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