My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Wanna Be Silly???

Good morning everyone. I hope that this finds you doing well. I’m feeling a little bit better. No sharp pains this morning. I thank God that I now just feel like I had a hard workout yesterday. So how is your morning going?

Do you ever feel like just being silly? I do, and sometimes other people look at me and give me funny looks. But I don’t mind. I enjoy being silly, it makes me feel young. I challenge you to do one silly thing today and see how it makes you feel. My mind still believes that I am in my 20’s and sometimes my body feels like it is in it 60’s. And when I act silly, I feel like a teenager again.

Yesterday, Justin and I were talking about technology and human interaction. We are on opposites sides of this debate, we just have to agree to disagree. He feels that technology has helped social interactions because you can find other people who are interested in the same things. I agree in some ways with him. An example of this is some of the Facebook groups that I am in. I find support on multiple sights about grandparents raising grandchildren. However, it also keeps me from seeking out others who are doing the same thing as I am.

I remember when I first got a Facebook account. I was driving a truck OTR (over the road). I did it so that I could see what my family was doing. At first it was cool but now, I’m not so sure. Many people think that if they post pictures and write what you are doing that it’s the same as talking to each other. And I disagree with that. The same goes with texting, so much is lost in a text. I will use my kids as an example. I can get text and see post but until I actually hear their voice, I’m never sure of how they are doing. At least hearing their voice lets me hear the emotion in their voice. And there are times that I must physically see and touch them. In this age and time, I believe that human contact is missing in our lives. It is proven that humans need physical touch.

The other thing that I believe is that if a person is only having contact with others through ‘screens’ then they do not have to learn what is appropriate and what is not in social situations. On our screens, we can say anything and be anything, not always our true selves. And for me it’s not about being dishonest to others but being dishonest with ourselves.

I think that is how I’m going to end this post. Don’t forget my challenge “Do something silly today”. I hope that you have a beautiful day!


A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...