My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Nothing Special!

Happy Wednesday. I’ve been thinking about what to write that won’t 
bore you to tears.  😉 Yesterday was a good day. I went to Bernice’s house. A couple of ladies came over and we did bible study. After that I went and laid down in her bed. I was hurting. I finally called and made a doctor’s appointment for Thursday. Today, Wesley has an appointment with eye doctor in San Antonio. Ugh, I don’t like that trip! But he is having surgery on Thursday next week, so we must go.

Yesterday, we went to our craft group up at the clinic. We made these cute little gumball decorations. I decided to make one for Tiffany. I made it in her school colors. She attends Mary Hardin Baylor. I thought that it turned out really cute. And I filled it with sugar-free candy so that maybe she will eat it.

Oh my gosh, it was so hot yesterday. I thought that I was going to melt! I can not wait for cooler weather. I love cold weather. I always figure that I can always put on enough clothing to stay warm, but I can not take enough off to get cool unless I want to be arrested. The temperature outside showed 104. Are you serious?

On a better note, here are some silly selfies that I took. I’m going to make todays blog a little on the short side. I hope that you have a blessed Wednesday and that you are striving for your dreams.                                               


  1. Love the pics we did have a awesome time with all the ladies yesterday be safe today love y’all

    1. I can never tell you enough what your friendship means to me!


A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...