My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Friday, August 10, 2018

Dare to Dream

Great Friday Morning!!!! I have been awake for a while contemplating what I want to write about today. The first thing that comes to mind is that I am getting Ezra today. Whoop! Whoop! It will be fun with a one-year old running around the house. My biggest concern is that we have puppy pads for Lucy. I can just imagine turning around and seeing him picking up puppy poo and putting it in his mouth! Yuck! So this is something that we will all be vigilant about.

I have been thinking of the dreams that I had as a child. I felt that I could do anything back then. Why as adults are we so afraid to dream and try to achieve those dreams? I know that for me, I am afraid of failure but why? Failure doesn’t “kill” you. As a matter of fact, as I reflect, failure is what has made me stronger and wiser. I know that we must be realistic about the real world but why not try? I wonder if it is more about fear of success than fear of failure???

Simply doing this blog was scary for me. What if no one read it? What if I bored people? What if someone criticized me? And my mind went from this to What if a lot of people like my blog? Am I going to be able to keep doing it? Can I be consistent? Do I really have enough knowledge to keep people interested?  See what I did? So much self-doubt. I know that I am capable if I just don’t over think it! Instead of letting my doubts get in the way, I just started doing it.

That is my challenge to you! Try something that you have always wanted to do but let self-doubt stop you!!!!! We know that failure doesn’t kill you and only makes you stronger!

Please comment with things that you fear or things that you dream of.

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