My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

I'm not 20 anymore!

Good morning everyone! I hope that your Sunday is going great. I’m sorry that I didn’t write yesterday. I went fishing yesterday. I left here at 5:00 am. I woke up at 4:30 and didn’t have enough time to get anything written. How did my fishing trip go? Well, it was fun. The only thing is that the waves were so tall that the boat kept slamming down. We were headed out and going pretty fast. The boat went up on one and when it came down, I think that I kind of stayed in the air off of the seat. When I came down, it slammed me into the seat and I felt such a sharp pain in my lower back. And then it came up again, it flipped me out of the seat. I landed on the floor of the boat in such pain. My back hurt like I have never felt before. My brother, Randy, stopped the boat and helped me get up but it took a bit before I could even move. After we got going again, it couldn’t have been more than a couple of minutes, his fiancé, Kathy, was bounced out her seat. So, my brother’s “deckhands” were worth anything.

He kept asking us if we needed to return to the truck and both of us said “no”. The rest of the ride, we went slower in the boat. We went about 30 miles off shore. I do get bragging rights, I caught the first fish ever caught from his boat. I feel so bad that I had to ask Randy to come back in. I was hurting pretty bad. After we got in, I got in my car and drove home.

Wesley was home and had gotten my walker out and cleaned it up. Mikka came over and helped me get out of the car. I was in such pain at this point that my hubby took me to the ER. They gave me 3 shots and sent me home with some medication for today and told me to see my primary. I’ll call tomorrow and see if she can see me.

Other than this, I got a sunburn and truly enjoyed Randy and Kathy. And yes, I do want to go back out on his boat, maybe when the waters are calmer! Teehee  I think that we wore Randy out. He had to do everything because we weren’t much help to him. But I have to say that this boat was awesome. And it has one of the most important things in it. A TOILET! Isn’t that cool?

I went to bed last night around 9:30 and didn’t wake up until 8:00 this morning. I smelt coffee and bacon. My hubby was in the kitchen making breakfast for all of us. I am so spoiled and absolutely love it. But what woman wouldn’t?

I wanted to share a photo that my hubby took this morning. It’s not like we don’t have a stepping stool!

I hope that you have a beautiful Sunday. God Bless you!


  1. Well so sad u kind of got hurt but so worth it I’d say or not hope pain meds are hitting the spot

    1. It so relaxed me to be on the water. And the pain pills are helping.


A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...