My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

A moment of happiness and weakness

Happy Sunday to you! This probably won’t be very long as I am very tired. I had the best time with our grandson Ezra. His little smile is so uplifting. He said several words this weekend. Nona, Papa, Nick, Bubba, Pheby, Momma, and Dada. The only way we could get him to say anything is if we hollered it first! So needless to say, our house was loud the whole weekend.

School starts tomorrow. Two of the kids are excited and we have one that says that he doesn’t want school to start. “Mom” decided to come visit today. She never called or text to tell us that she was coming to visit much less what time. 

We went to church this morning. I truly enjoy Sunday School and the sermon. I feel like my tank is full today. I also feel like I’m on a tight-rope! And the rope that I am on is frayed and ready to break. Does anyone else feel this way? I feel broken inside and don’t know how to fix it. I’m a fixer! If something is broke, I figure out a way to fix it. I just haven’t figured out how to fix what is broken inside of me. But I keep going everyday like nothing is wrong. I’m hoping that the brokenness will just go away.

I’m going to stop this right now because I don’t feel ready to let this explode. I hope that you all have a blessed day!


  1. Hang in there mom. You have a lot going on. Be patient with your self. Hugs! You are doing great

  2. My prayers my beautiful friend more like my sister I will see you tomorrow


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