My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Thursday, August 16, 2018


Good wonderful morning! I had such a great day yesterday. First, I went to Bernice’s house and she made me breakfast tacos. Yummy! Then she made her husband and mine some which we delivered to them at each of their jobs. Then we came back to her house and talked and looked at fabric bouncing ideas off each other. I just love doing that. When I came home, I was motivated to cook.

I made homemade hot sauce, cucumber and tomato salad, pork quesadillas, homemade Spanish rice (recipe from Bernice), and refried beans. Mikka and her kiddos came and ate dinner with us. Mikka was also my taste tester for the hot sauce. I so enjoyed visiting with her.

Thank you, Bernice and Mikka, for making my day so awesome. It is wonderful to have such good friends again. I’ve always been leery of letting myself get close to people. Because I was always scared of getting hurt. And the closer that you let people get, the easier it is for them to hurt you. But I know that I was keeping myself isolated and not allowing myself to grow.

I feel as if I have blossomed since I’ve let these two women into my life. Bernice is close to my age and we have so many things in common, been through a lot of the same things in our lifetime. Mikka is young and full of energy. I watch her in awe. She has two small kids that call me Nona (or NoNo) lol. But I could never tell each what their friendship means to me. Neither one of them will allow to isolate myself! That’s important because when I isolate, depression sets in.

And how is Lucy doing, you ask? Well, here are a couple of pictures. She is growing and she is smart. She is already coming to her name and sitting on command.

No, I didn’t work on my quilt. Maybe today will be that day! No promises made on this. Tehehe I hope that you have a wonderful and blessed day!


A Tough Subject

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