My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Joy of Grandchildren!

Rise and shine on this beautiful Saturday morning. I have so many pictures to share with you. We have a good chance of rain today from 1-6. I pray that it does, we need it so bad. We picked up Ezra yesterday at noon and ate pizza for lunch. I was able to give Eva her new “high heel” shoes and her porcelain tea set. Thank you, Bernice, for thinking of her!

As you will see in the pictures, we aren’t spoiling Ezra much! Lol  This is our first time getting him by himself. He is having a blast. First thing that we did is take the kiddos to Walmart. I had bought most of the school supplies yesterday morning. There was a couple of things that I forgot so we went back. Of course, we had to buy him some toys! I would think that would go without saying. He also thinks that tarter sauce is a side dish!

He is not crazy about our puppy jumping on him or licking on him. So we put him in the portable crib (or playpen as we use to call them). Then Papa opened his new toys and without any prompting from anyone, he started making the vrrrmm.. sound! He went to sleep without any problem.

He woke up around 6:30. When I went to pick him up, the smell almost knocked me over. Tiffany and Chris forgot to pack the gas mask for us! And then he had the breakfast of champions (s’more cereal, banana, and halo slices)!

 And at this point, instead of playing with his new toys, Nick and Bubba were pushing him around in a box! He did this until he wore the boys out.

Right now, he is sleeping, and I am trying to do all of the things that I usually do in the mornings. I will keep you posted on how our weekend goes.

Have a beautiful day and thank God for everything that you do have!


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